Innovative Treatment Options to Mitigate Munitions Constituent Transport on DoD Testing and Training Ranges
SERDP, Environmental Restoration Program Area
Released October 26, 2017
Closed January 4, 2018
FY 2019
The objective of this Statement of Need was to improve our ability to mitigate transport of legacy and new munitions constituents from Department of Defense testing and training ranges to off site surface and ground waters. Specific research areas of interest included:
- Determine the fundamental reasons for the persistence of RDX in soil.
- Develop technologies to maximize sorption/biodegradation at the soil surface, and/or minimize transport of the more soluble legacy munitions constituents and insensitive high explosives (IHE) to the subsurface.
- Develop new or improved means to deliver treatment amendments to range soils.
- Determine the fate and transport properties of legacy munitions constituents and IHE in surface runoff and surface water, including sorption, biotransformation, and biodegradation.
- Develop and/or test technologies to treat surface runoff contaminated with legacy munitions constituents, new IHE, and mixtures of legacy and IHE, as well as ionic energetic materials, aluminized formulations, binders/additives, plasticizers, and processing agents.
Proposers were not required to address all of the needs listed in any individual proposal. Research and development activities at laboratory-, bench-, and field-scale were considered as well as computer modeling to support such efforts. Information on a variety of classes of munitions was of interest. The contaminants of primary concern were RDX and perchlorate due to low federal health advisory levels and the ability to migrate quickly through the soil matrix, but HMX, TNT, DNT and their breakdown products also were of interest, as were the new IHE.
To provide strategic guidance for future research and demonstrations on management of munitions constituents, SERDP and ESTCP conducted a workshop on July 28-29, 2015 in Washington, D.C. Reviewing the Workshop Report for additional detail on these research needs was essential prior to submitting a proposal.
Funded projects will appear below as project overviews are posted to the website.