Development of Analytical Methods to Assess Leaching and Mobility of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances from Soils, Sediments, and Solid Wastes
SERDP, Environmental Restoration Program Area
Released October 25, 2018
Closed January 8, 2019
FY 2020
The objective of this Statement of Need was to develop standard operating protocols to assess the potential for leaching and mobility of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from solids, soils, and sediments (collectively referred to as “solids”). Rapid, accurate, and reproducible characterization of PFAS in solids was needed to aid in the screening, geochemical assessment, and disposal requirements of PFAS and PFAS-impacted materials at military installations. Specific objectives were:
- Development of a standardized method, similar to the Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SW-846 Method 1312), to assess the leachability and mobility of PFAS from solid matrices. Solids may include solid waste, concrete, biosolids, emergency response wastes, and other materials of commerce.
- Development of new or improved methods to evaluate sorption/desorption affinity of PFAS for specific solid materials of concern to the Department of Defense (e.g., concrete, soils, construction debris, sediments).
The proposed methods should have been able to provide repeatable and environmentally relevant measures of PFAS. The focus of this work should have been for at least the USEPA 24 PFAS as shown in Table 1. Proposals should have addressed one or more of the objectives listed above.
Successful proposals were highly focused and showed direct relevance to support decision-making for site investigation, source zone control, and possible stabilization/soil washing types of technologies. Methods developed should have produced appropriate quantitation limits and report concentrations relative to the media sampled (e.g., ng/L) considering the EPA drinking water Health Advisory Levels for perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoic acid and relevant Federal and State regulations. Method development must have followed the EPA’s method validation and peer review policies and guidelines (EPA 2016) and resulted in a written method that follows the EPA SW-846 method style guide (EPA 2012). The analytical methods used in testing the leaching method must meet the requirements for PFAS analysis in the Department of Defense Quality Systems Manual for Environmental Laboratories (QSM 5.1).
Funded projects will appear below as project overviews are posted to the website.