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SERDP and ESTCP have launched a webinar series to promote the transfer of innovative, cost-effective and sustainable solutions developed through projects funded in five program areas. The webinar series targets Department of Defense and Department of Energy practitioners, the regulatory community and environmental researchers with the goal of providing cutting edge and practical information that is easily accessible at no cost.
For decades, the Department of Defense has recognized the benefits of powder coating technologies, encouraged their development, and promoted their use in the military market. Powder coatings generally offer low VOCs, demonstrate excellent corrosion resistance and provide superior weatherability. In addition, powder technologies generally eliminate solvents within the coatings and those used for cleanup thereby improving worker safety, reducing time and costs associated with the handling and disposal of hazardous wastes, and offering the capability for up to 95% materials recycling during the application process. Despite DoD’s increasing trend in the use of powder coatings, until recently, there were no technologies qualified to meet the performance demands of the specification MIL-PRF-32348, Type 3. This specification defines the challenging requirements of a low gloss chemical agent resistant (CARC) powder topcoat.
Sherwin-Williams, together with a team of industry, academic and military partners, successfully developed a MIL-PRF-32348, Type 3 powder topcoat technology. Key accomplishments of the project include the design and synthesis of a unique polymer system coupled with a formulation strategy that maximizes crosslink density, producing an ultra low gloss, highly durable, chemical agent resistant coating. A detailed scientific understanding of the materials and their interactions was also established through characterization studies.
This technology, which has been qualified by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory to meet the stringent requirements of the military specification, has established a foundation for new low gloss, highly durable powder coatings. It has undergone demonstration/validation studies at Star 4D (Spray Technique Analysis and Research for Defense) and field trials at depots and military coaters. Sherwin-Williams is currently transitioning the technology for broad distribution to the military market including OEM’s, Depots and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).
Speaker Biographies

Mr. Mark Wytiaz is a Staff Scientist in the Sherwin-Williams Global Finishes Group Innovation Laboratory in Chicago, IL. His area responsibilities since 2010 have been to develop coatings using innovative technologies for industrial applications. At Sherwin-Williams, Mark spent 20 years as the Technical Director for military coatings in the Products Finishes Division. Prior to that, Mr. Wytiaz spent 10 with Bayer developing applications for polyurethane raw materials in the coatings industry. He has several patents related to low gloss polyurethane coatings technologies that focus on durability and low or no volatile organic solvent emissions. Mr. Wytiaz has an Associates of Science degree in Petroleum Technology from the University of Pittsburgh.

Dr. James Wynne is a synthetic organic research chemist at the Naval Research Laboratory. Since 2000, he has collaborated with various government laboratories and academic institutions to develop novel coatings for military and civilian applications as well as electrically conducting, optically transparent, thin polymeric films. He holds a joint appointment as an affiliate research professor at George Mason University where he continues to provide insight and direction in various medicinal and bioorganic projects. Currently, Dr. Wynne is involved in numerous projects covering the synthesis and characterization of coatings for aircraft, shipboard structures and military vehicles as well as polymeric materials for use in dust abatement and wind erosion. Most recently, Dr. Wynne’s expertise and research at NRL has centered on the development of novel polymeric coatings and the synthesis of novel actives for a variety of application such as deicing, easy cleaning, signature and decontamination. In addition, a focus on chemical warfare agent neutralization, coating characterization, repellency in novel resin formulation of are of a few most recent endeavors. Dr. Wynne has 16 patents and is the author of over 83 refereed publications. Dr. Wynne received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from George Mason University in 2000.

Dr. Beth Ann Pearson has a plethora of knowledge in the coatings industry, coupled with 20 years of experience ranging across a wide breadth of area of coatings technologies and chemistries. She currently works for Sherwin-Williams, Product Finishes Division, as the Global Manager, Military & General Industrial. Dr. Pearson is very active in the chemical and coatings industry including memberships in the American Chemical Society, National Association of Professional Women, Polymer Sciences Society, Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology, Iota Sigma Pi, Chemists Honor Society, Cleveland Coatings Society, and Phi Beta Gamma. She also has led an active role in community and historical organizations, including The Executive Leadership Board of the American Red Cross, Daughters of the American Revolution, Rotary Club, Cameo Society, and as an Instructor for Junior Achievement. Professional honors include Who’s Who in Executive Leaders, Excellence By Design Award, Focus Award, Who’s Who in Science, Outstanding Achievements in Chemistry, B.P. America Research Award, Young Achievers Award, Professorship Leadership Award and Outstanding Female Chemist Award.Dr. Pearson holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry from Hiram College with Honors Certification from the American Chemical Society, Graduate Degrees in both Physical Chemistry and Polymer Science from John Carroll University, and a Doctorate in Global Business and Leadership.