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This SERDP and ESTCP webinar presents DoD-funded research to optimize building operations through improved energy data management and analysis. Specifically, investigators will discuss using open-source tools to analyze smart meter data and standardizing data management processes for DoD buildings to improve operations across different organizations.
“Transforming Raw Utility Meter Data into Actionable Insights” by William Livingood (ESTCP Project EW20-5099)
The project team interviewed installation managers to find problems related to utility data collection, transmission, management, and analysis and then worked with stakeholders to prioritize the problem areas. They determined that installation energy managers need improved, user-friendly tools to help analyze meter data to make more informed decisions, reduce energy waste and meet Department of Defense (DoD) mandates. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 mandated investments in smart metering infrastructure. However, to produce actionable insights, smart meter data needs to be paired with helpful analysis toolkits. The objective of this project is to demonstrate how the integration of National Renewable Energy Laboratory Open Actionable Insights Platform (OAIP) will add value to the Navy's existing Smart Grid Program. This presentation will discuss how the OAIP can be used to: 1) extract existing asset management data and combine it with measured data to provide insightful and impactful analytics 2) create a comprehensive library of Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics algorithms 3) develop an automated process for generating "digital twins" of installation buildings and facilities and 4) greatly improve interoperability.
“Demonstrating Standardized Semantic Metadata on HVAC Data at DoD Facilities” by Chris Battisti (ESTCP Project EW21-5129)
This project improves communication and interpretation of data from different missions and organizations by demonstrating the benefits of applying standardized semantic metadata to DoD buildings. Semantic metadata standardization refers to using a consistent approach to organize the real-time digital information available for a building and its associated assets. Generally, data points include spatial information (e.g., building dimensions, floor, zones, rooms, etc.); physical systems, equipment, and information (meters, HVAC, electrical, etc.); and points associated with the control and sensing infrastructure. Example applications include standardizing control sequences, automatic generation of graphics, data visualization of operations, advanced control strategies, Fault Detection and Diagnostic applications, and general data analysis needs. Standardization will significantly improve use of data across the DoD and ease implantation of data analytics, graphical user interfaces (GUIs), and utility monitoring and control system (UMCS) integration. This presentation will describe the objective of the demonstration, existing technology that will be demonstrated and the technical approach.
Speaker Biographies

William Livingood is an expert in building energy analysis, computational thermal analysis, and data acquisition. As manager of the commercial buildings research team at NREL, Mr. Livingood oversees the development of next generation simulation capabilities and guidance documents such as the Advanced Energy Design Guides (AEDG) that provide building- and U.S. climate zone-specific design recommendations. He is also an inventor on three patents for power generation technologies. Mr. Livingood previously worked at General Electric (GE) Global Research, where he performed thermodynamic, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer analyses to predict the system performance of power generation technologies. He also conducted economic analyses to assess power generation system capital costs and developed energy systems computer models. Prior to GE, Mr. Livingood was with FuelCell Energy where he was part of a team that ensured the successful launch of large stationary fuel cell products and technologies. He earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, a master’s degree in chemistry from the University of Nevada, Reno, and a master’s degree in engineering from the University of California, Irvine.

Chris Battisti is a research mechanical engineer working in the Building Energy Systems Team for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Engineer Research and Development Center’s Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (ERDC-CERL) based in Champaign, IL. Mr. Battisti’s primary research focus is on HVAC controls, facility related control system integration, and re-commissioning (RCx). His work includes instructing an Army Academy class on Installation Management Command (IMCOM) RCx and a USACE course on HVAC Control Systems, overseeing DoD controls specification and criteria development, and leading installation support research projects on control systems and commissioning. He joined the government in 2017 as an IMCOM Public Works mechanical engineer at Fort Leavenworth before starting at USACE ERDC-CERL in 2019. Previously, Mr. Battisti was a mechanical engineer designing and constructing power plants. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Wyoming. Mr. Battisti received a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Wyoming and a master’s degree in project management from Colorado State Global Campus.