Presented January 26, 2017- Presentation Slides
“Compressor Airfoil Protective Coating for Turbine Engine Durability and Fuel Efficiency” by Mr. Greg Kilchenstein and Mr. Marcio Duffles
Gas turbine engines are key to DoD’s mission of defending the nation and powering aircraft, ships and ground combat systems. Erosive environments present extreme challenges to gas turbine engine operations. Eroded gas turbine engine compressors are a leading cause of aircraft readiness degradation, deployed logistics footprint, engine cost of ownership, fuel consumption and emissions. Field experience has shown that operations in a desert environment degrades engine “time-on-wing” by as much as a factor of 10 (1000 hrs to 100 hrs) for rotary wing and up to 10% for fixed wing aircraft. Eroded engine compressor airfoils increase fuel consumption by 5% and raise engine emissions by 10 to 20%. The objective of this ESTCP initiative was to demonstrate that a best-in-class Erosion-Corrosion resistant compressor airfoil protective coating could increase durability, reduce maintenance and industrial footprint, and decrease fuel consumption and emissions for various aviation platforms and the M1 Abrams Tank. The coating selected for this evaluation was MCT Black Gold, a 20-micron-thick layered coating applied via physical vapor deposition. The team conducted laboratory component testing, full-scale engine testing and field service evaluation. This webinar highlighted results from ongoing ESTCP-sponsored initiative.
"Hydrogen Effects of Common Cadmium Alternatives on Aerospace Grade 4340" by Mr. Stephen Gaydos
Solvent substitution and cadmium replacement in military systems have been considered for decades; however, a common obstacle for implementing these alternatives is overcoming hydrogen embrittlement of high strength steel. High strength materials are sensitive to embrittlement and there are multiple potential sources of hydrogen within the fabrication process, maintenance practice, and the natural corrosion cycle. It is crucial to fully understand the potential for failure prior to deciding where and when cadmium replacements can be safely used. Four prospective cadmium alternative coatings (IVD aluminum, alumiplate, Dipsol IZ-C17+ Zn-Ni, Atotech Zi-Ni) and cadmium were tested in an aqueous cleaner to mimic the industrial maintenance cycle. A design of experiment approach was used to vary parameters over a range of material strengths, load levels, and maintenance cleaning solution concentrations, for aerospace grade (AMS 6414) 4340 steel. Failure time, load, and stress levels were incorporated into failure models, yielding equations to reliably predict hydrogen sensitivity over wide parameter ranges. Results support relaxing the current risk assessment and furthering the use of cadmium alternatives in aerospace materials. Project outcomes greatly increase the consideration of replacements for applications within the range of model-predicted acceptability criteria.
Speaker Biographies

Mr. Greg Kilchenstein is the Director of Enterprise Maintenance Technology in the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Maintenance. In this capacity, Greg develops policy and implements programs that promote technology enablers which focus on sustaining material readiness at best cost. Specifically, Greg leads the CBM+ Action Group, the Commercial Technologies for Maintenance Activities (CTMA) program, the Joint Technology Exchange Group (JTEG), and the Additive Manufacturing for Maintenance Operations (AMMO) WG. Greg began working for the Naval Sea Systems Command in 1987 as a mine warfare simulation modeler. After joining the Naval Air Systems Command in 1989, Greg was assigned as a propulsion engineer for the V-22, P-3, C-130, E-2/C-2 and had the privilege of witnessing the first flight of the V-22 in his first week with NAVAIR. Over the next 16 years with NAVAIR, Greg was the program manager for the T400 engine and Propellers Program, the Basic Design Engineer for T58 and T64 engines, the Propulsion and Power Systems Engineer for H-53, H-46, H-3 and the Presidential VH-3D, and the Propulsion and Power competency lead for vertical lift propulsion systems. He completed his undergraduate work in aerospace engineering and graduate level studies in systems engineering at the University of Maryland.

Mr. Marcio Duffles is currently vice president for business development at MDS Coating Technologies. He began his aviation career with the Naval Air Systems Command and worked for NAVAIR’s Propulsion Division from 1983 to 1997 as an engine performance analyst and manager of technology demonstrator engines. He joined MDS Coating Technologies in 1997 and helped implement e rosion protective coatings for the US Marine Corps CH-53 and CH-46 helicopters as a project leader. Since 2008, Mr. Duffles has been involved in the transition of MDS Coating’s erosion/corrosion coating for military weapon systems such as the V-22 tiltrotor and Special Ops Chinook helicopter and to commercial aircraft such as the Boeing 737 and Airbus 320 aircraft and industrial gas turbines for power plants. He completed his undergraduate and graduate studies in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Maryland.

Mr. Stephen Gaydos is a Technical Fellow, Boeing Designated Expert and a Technical Lead Engineer at Boeing Research and Technology (BR&T) at the Boeing Company where he provides technical support for inorganic finishes and corrosion. He joined Boeing in 1984 after 10 years working on corrosion prevention in the petrochemical industry and metal finishing in the aluminum industry. He selected appropriate corrosion control and metal surface treatments for several military aircraft and missile programs. Since 1992, he has led or supported various Boeing pollution prevention projects and spent several years evaluating environmentally-preferred aerospace metal finishing alternatives. He is currently involved with the reduction and elimination of hexavalent chromium and cadmium materials used in coatings to produce and maintain aircraft. He is the vice chairman for ASTM Committee F07 for Aerospace and Aircraft, and subcommittee chairman for ASTM F07.04 on hydrogen embrittlement testing. In addition, he is a member of the National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF) Technical Advisory Committee (and an NASF Fellow), American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Foundation Research Board, SAE Committee J (Aircraft Maintenance Chemicals) and Aerospace Chrome/Cadmium Elimination. He has given numerous presentations on his work involving solvent cleaning substitution, hydrogen embrittlement, cadmium replacements, hex-chrome alternatives, and evaluation of cold spray applications for aerospace. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and a Master of Science degree in Metallurgical Engineering, both from the University of Missouri.