Presented May 20, 2021- Presentation Slides
“Otis Air National Guard Base Microgrid: Successes and Lessons Learned” by Mr. David Altman (ESTCP Project EW-201606 Webpage)
This presentation provided an overview of an ESTCP project that developed and implemented a microgrid for the Otis Air National Guard Base at Joint Base Cape Cod in Massachussets. We will overview the design, implementation, successes, and challenges encountered during project execution. Particular focus was placed on describing how the project successfully demonstrated frequency regulation operations in the ISO-NE market using microgrid assets.
Speaker Biography

Mr. David Altman is an engineering fellow in Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems Advanced Technology Programs where his work focuses on development of advanced defense system technologies. This has included recent efforts focused on developing and demonstrating energy storage centric cyber-secure microgrids at Department of Defense facilities. He has authored 25 peer-reviewed technical publications and holds 14 US patents. Mr. Altman earned his bachelor’s degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and his master’s degree from Boston University.