Application of Nucleic Acid-Based Tools for Monitoring MNA, Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation at Chlorinated Solvent Sites
A guidance document that describes protocols for groundwater sampling, guidelines for sampling locations, frequency, and the application of molecular biological tools (MBTs) to quantitatively assess dehalococcoides (DHC) population at chlorinated ethene sites, to evaluate MBT data. It also provides a decision logic (flow chart) to support for use of Dhc biomarker gene data at sites where MNA is being evaluated, to predict sites where biostimulation could be successful, and to identify sites where bioaugmentation is required.
Ms. Carmen Lebrón
Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Expeditionary Warfare Center
Phone: 805 982-2907
Erik Petrovskis, Ph.D., P.E.
Geosyntec Consultants
Phone: (734) 426-0100
Frank Löffler, Ph.D.
University of Tennessee
Phone: (865) 974-4933
Keith Henn
Application of Nucleic Acid-Based Tools for Monitoring MNA, Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation at Chlorinated Solvent Sites
Ms. Carmen Lebrón
Principal Investigator
Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Expeditionary Warfare Center