Guidance for Evaluating the Performance of Alternatives Fit-for-Purpose Performance
This guidance is intended to support decision-making by governments, businesses, and others associated with the evaluation of performance in the conduct of an alternatives assessment. It emphasizes a focus on fit-for-purpose performance, a strategy for assessing performance based on application-specific contexts. This guidance builds on and broadens the thinking around performance when evaluating and choosing safer alternatives and draws primarily from two well-established alternatives assessment frameworks: The Interstate Chemicals Clearinghouse (IC2) Alternatives Assessment Guide and the National Research Council (NRC) Framework on the Selection of Chemical Alternatives.
PFAS-Free Alternative,
Life Cycle Analysis,
Joel Tickner, Ph.D.
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Phone: (978) 934-2981
Advancing alternatives assessment and informed substitution for chemicals of concern: Case example of PFAS in AFFF
Joel Tickner, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
University of Massachusetts Lowell