ER18-5015 User's Guide
This user’s guide provides standard approaches and performance recommendations for the removal and destruction of per- and poly- fluoroalkyl substances and co-occurring chemicals from groundwater via extraction and treatment using regenerable ion exchange, onsite recovery (distillation), and low-energy plasma destruction. This user’s guide is prepared as an element of the technology transfer program associated with ESTCP project ER18-5015, awarded to Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. in 2019.
Above Ground Treatment,
Field Demonstration,
PFAS Non-Thermal Treatment,
PFAS Concentration Technologies,
Removal and Destruction of PFAS and Co-Occurring Chemicals from Groundwater via Extraction and Treatment with Ion Exchange Media, and On-Site Regeneration, Distillation, and Plasma Destruction
Nathan Hagelin
Principal Investigator
ER18-5015 User Guide.pdf