Guidance for Assessing the Ecological Risks of PFASs to Threatened and Endangered Species at Aqueous Film Forming Foam-Impacted Sites
A guidance that aids the DoD in assessing ecological risks to threatened and endangered species at AFFF impacted sites. It has two Phases: (1) Phase 1 for guidance with a strategic overview of state-of-the-practice for ecological risk assessment at AFFF sites and specific guidance on state-of-the-science approaches to quantitatively assess and manage PFAS risks; and (2) Phase 2 for promoting guidance availability, PFAS ERA Model Tool for assessment.
Jason Conder, Ph.D.
Geosyntec Consultants
Phone: (714) 465-1226
Jennifer Arblaster
Emily Larson
Juliane Brown
Christopher Higgins, Ph.D.
Colorado School of Mines
Phone: (720) 984-2116
Guidance for Assessing the Ecological Risks of PFASs to Threatened and Endangered Species at Aqueous Film Forming Foam-Impacted Sites
Jason Conder, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Geosyntec Consultants