The objective of this project was to define where landscape and ecosystem management modeling and simulation (M&S) is in terms of data, data management, models, modeling theory, and technology; and support the identification of a course for future investments, both by SERDP and other services, activities, and agencies. This proposal is intended to supplement a larger Corp of Engineers initiative in land management modeling and simulation and decision support systems. This initiative involves the following tasks. This project targets task c.
a. Examine the various protocols for modeling and simulation data.
b. Develop a land management M&S catalog or compendium of efforts, technologies, and techniques that will support integrated land management M&S.
c. Determine the strengths and weaknesses of existing M&S efforts and what strengths need to be exploited and weaknesses addressed to insure an integrated future for land management decision support.
d. Develop a design and structure for future land management M&S capability.
e. Identify and develop the M&S linkages needed to insure effective land management decision support capabilities of the future.
This project started late in FY 1997. To date it has completed an initial assessment of current and developing capabilities associated with DoD installation land management modeling and simulation.
Within the Conservation thrust area, SERDP has supported many excellent efforts to advance this type technology. The examination of strengths and weaknesses of existing land-scape modeling and simulation capability will insure that the efforts of the Department of Defense (DoD), including SERDP, and other agencies and activities result in the best technology infusion for land managers.
In 1998, a demonstration of the required characteristics of the future DoD land management decision support system is planned.