As part of the live site demonstrations, this project will perform the surveys using two advanced electromagnetic induction (EMI) systems--the dual-mode man-portable (MP) time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) system developed by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and Geometrics' MetalMapper--and participate in the data processing and analysis. The objective is to assess whether typical industry geophysical professionals can work with advanced EMI systems and data in a cost-effective manner. If successful, this project will help facilitate the technology transfer of two advanced systems designed specifically for unexploded ordnance (UXO) detection and classification and demonstrate the subsequent cost savings from their implementation.
Technology Description
The dual-mode MP TEM is a 2x2 sensor configuration of the TEMTADS developed by NRL, which operates as a 5x5 array. Similar in size and weight to a Geonics' EM61-MK2, it can detect buried items in detection mode and reliably discriminate between buried UXO and harmless clutter in cued identification mode. MetalMapper is an advanced EMI system that provides the capability to discriminate between buried UXO items and other metallic objects. The system uses a three-component TEM transmitter and seven tri-axial receivers to characterize each target. MetalMapper is currently only available in vehicular-towed (or litter-carried) operation and can be configured to operate in mapping mode or target cued/reacquisition mode.