Utilize Problem Curation & Lean Launchpad Methodology as an innovative approach to identify, define, and execute successful technology transitions to Department of Defense (DoD) installations through direct-to-defense (D2D) and commercial-to-defense (C2D) pathways. The approach will also help create a sustainable defense energy innovation ecosystem by enhancing the knowledge of DoD personnel and DoD-related companies in effective innovation processes and by serving as the final transition step, i.e. technology adoption, in a complete concept-to-adoption pathway (when linked with related efforts) that will increase the number of commercial-oriented start-up and nontraditional companies working in the defense mission space and grow a professional workforce (e.g. veterans) with knowledge in both defense mission needs and the commercial marketplace.
Technology Description
The core of this project is the Hacking for Defense (H4D) process and classes. Hacking for Defense combines the problem curation and validation methodology developed by Pete Newell and the US Army Rapid Equipping Force on the Battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan with the Lean Launchpad Methodology developed by Steve Blank that has been successfully used to move innovative ideas and startup companies to successful products and businesses. The Lean Launchpad Methodology includes classes and tools such as design thinking and the business model canvas, respectively. For DoD and other "non-profit" mission-oriented organizations, the “business model canvas” used for lean startups in the commercial sector is combined with a “mission model canvas” that drives discovery of military user needs, validates the problem being solved, and establishes standards for mission accomplishment, while retaining the general format found in the original classes.
Work done under this project will facilitate the transition of Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) funded technologies and products to DoD installations through C2D or D2D pathways. Cost savings may be realized, especially if C2D or combined C2D/D2D pathways can be successfully implemented and will depend upon the specific companies and technologies taken through the H4D process.