Energy resilience at defense installations can be improved by implementing properly designed and optimized microgrids, especially those integrating on-site renewable generation and energy storage technologies. Taking full advantage of microgrid assets, innovations, and component technologies requires high-quality, high-resolution data for proper design and optimization. Currently, such data is often lacking for defense installations and requires significant expense to obtain. This project will: (A) demonstrate a low-cost metering system and analytics techniques to enable rapid, costeffective deployment in cases where adequate data is not available to enable optimal microgrid design; (B) obtain a highly time-resolved (<20ms), high quality (<2% error compared to revenue meters) data set on power system characteristics and load requirements at two defense installations to support future energy-storage enabled microgrid design and optimization for improved resiliency and economics; and (C) demonstrate state estimation techniques to calculate phasors across the entire distribution network in situations with limited metering installed.
Technology Description
This project will utilize a low-cost power metering infrastructure from Meazon that is rapidly deployable and accurate. Meazon's circuit-level analytics and sub metering platform (CLASP: Circuit Level Analytics & Submetering Platform) is available in single-phase and three-phase configurations with various meter styles and capabilities. The system provides a highly compact data acquisition system consisting of a meter, a standalone wireless communication bridge that can collect data from multiple meters, and nonproprietary current transformers. The meter and the bridge communicate wirelessly through a Zigbee-standard industry protocol or WiFi. The platform can address any typical requirement for energy measurement, including detailed profiling of system loads at an ~20 ms data frequency. The metering platform can be installed at low cost and can provide data accuracy reported with <2% error compared to revenue-grade utility meters.
In addition to low-cost metering, novel approaches can be implemented to provide required high-resolution and high-quality data with reduced metering requirements. New Distribution System State Estimation (DSSE) techniques can provide accurate power system characteristics and data sets using reduced amounts of metering data taken only from a few building service entrances. The DSSE algorithm developed by Arizona State University (ASU) will provide situational awareness of the entire network to enable real-time assessments with reduced requirements for physical metering, and possibly using only existing advanced metering infrastructure.
Low-cost sub-metering platforms can provide improvements in resilience by providing insight into site operations and critical infrastructure, and enabling optimization, control, and improved management of critical resources. These insights can enable cost and energy savings, as well as enable improved performance and availability of critical infrastructure and assets. The development of the lowcost metering platform, along with the DSSE capability can enable the broad application of site metering, monitoring and control. Meazon metering and ASU DSSE platforms will directly enable the accurate modeling, design and optimization of storage enabled microgrids by providing granular data to properly assess which storage and microgrid technologies best apply to the specific site load and distribution network characteristics, and how they can be best dispatched and controlled to optimize energy security as well as site economics, depending on the priorities of the installation. Ongoing metering and DSSE at a site may also enable continuous optimization and changing of microgrid control strategies based on the changing needs and characteristics of the installation.