This project will demonstrate and validate the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory (LBNL) handheld UXO discriminator as part of the live site demonstration at the former Camp Beale. This research instrument was designed under SERDP project MR-1667 and is the direct descendant of the original Berkley UXO Discriminator (BUD) developed under ESTCP project MR-200437. The handheld UXO discriminator (14-in (0.35 m) cube) has been designed to discriminate small (20 mm) objects at depths up to 0.45 m and large (105 and 155 mm) objects at depths up to 0.85 m and to detect targets at depths up to 1.15 m. At this demonstration, the sensor will be used to classify targets in a cued mode.
Technology Description
This advanced electromagnetic induction (EMI) system employs three orthogonal transmitters and ten pairs of differenced receivers. Each vertical face of the cube has three induction coils, and two horizontal faces have four induction coils, each sensitive to the magnetic field component normal to the face. Receivers on opposite faces of the cube are paired along the symmetry lines through the center of the system, and each pair sees identical fields during the on-time of current pulses in the transmitter coils. For target classification and discrimination, the data acquired results in a series of normalized channels that are then inverted for candidate object position and principal polarizabilities as a function of time after the transmitters have been shut off.