The Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) established the National Environmental Technology Test Site (NETTS) program to facilitate the demonstration, evaluation, and transfer of cost-effective and innovative environmental technologies from research-and-development stages to commercial use. SERDP funded management and infrastructure at the NETTS locations.
The Dover National Test Site (DNTS) was initiated in 1996 and decommissioned in 2008. DNTS originated as the U.S. Air Force’s contribution to the NETTS program. Management of this program was transferred from the Air Force Research Laboratory to the Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NAVFAC ESC) in 2003.
Technical Approach
The primary capability of DNTS was the infrastructure and permitting to operate and maintain a contained release facility allowing releases of up to 100 liters of tetrachloroethene (PCE) in each of three test cells. These test cells were isolated from the surrounding aquifer with double-walled sheet piles driven into the subsurface and keyed into a confining aquitard approximately 45 feet below the surface. Additionally, many other areas on Base with existing contamination as a result of past environmental practices were available for demonstrations under the NETTS program. DNTS was designed to support the needs of demonstrators of environmental technologies for the characterization, monitoring, and remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with fuels and/or solvents.
DNTS provided on-site management and regulatory interfaces for the demonstrators. Construction and operation activities have included: (1) detailed characterization and field support; (2) installation of test cells and monitoring wells; (3) provision of temporary buildings, laboratory, and office space; and (4) utilities to individual test plots. DNTS also provided disposal of associated wastes.
Demonstrations Hosted*:
Permeable Reactive Barriers for In Situ Treatment of Chlorinated Solvents | |
Enhanced Source Recovery (Air Sparging, Soil Vapor Extraction, Cosolvent Mobilization, Surfactant Solubilization) | |
Long-Term Performance of Permeable Reactive Barriers | |
Radon-222 as a Natural Tracer for Monitoring the Remediation of NAPL Contamination in the Subsurface | |
Biodegradation of DNAPL Through Bioaugmentation of Source Areas | |
Demonstration/Validation of Long Term Monitoring Using Wells Installed by Direct Push Technologies | |
Water Solute Flux Measuring Device |
* List represents a sample of demonstrations at the site.
The NETTS program established test locations at federal facilities for hosting government and private organizations to rigorously test and evaluate new environmental characterization and remediation technologies. The demonstration program at each location was designed to obtain realistic environmental and economic information that may transfer nationwide to support the adoption and use of more cost-effective and high-performance technologies.