American Solar will develop a series of targeted training modules (documents, presentations, and training sessions) on the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) demonstrated solar air heat recovery systems. Each module will focus, by discipline, on the ‘certified’ personnel who are involved in building planning, design, construction, and operation. The training modules will serve the continuing education needs of the following disciplines; Certified Master Planners, Registered Architects, Professional Engineers, Certified Construction Managers, Contractors, and Facility Operators. Each module, or presentation, will have associated learning credits (Continuing Education Units, Professional Development Hours, Learning Units, etc.) that the professionals can use to maintain their licenses, registrations, and certifications.
While the current ESTCP approach of preparing comprehensive Final Reports and Cost and Performance Reports with on-line webinar information serves its purpose, the audience is limited more to those with an interest in the topic and who are familiar with the ESTCP program. Technology transfer to replicate projects is largely delegated to those providers demonstrating the ESTCP technologies. Targeting a large audience with training that they can use to further their careers will attract a larger audience of more varied professionals who initiate and advance projects from planning to operation.
Technology Description
American Solar will place the modules on websites targeted toward the specific audiences. Placing the information on an existing building science website, with a large audience of tens of thousands seeking professional continuing education, will help increase visibility of the ESTCP technologies and the training available for specific disciplines. An outreach campaign to other affiliated organizations will help direct even more prospective personnel to the training websites as they seek sources of learning credits each year to support their continuing education requirements.
This approach broadens the reach of ESTCP related project information to target a large group of personnel, with information they want to learn, when they want, or need to learn it, so they are ready to use it to influence others involved in the projects. Providing the ‘discipline targeted’ information to those involved from the building planning stage through operations will accelerate the knowledge of the ESTCP technologies and their adoption and deployment compared to the current approach. Once this approach is validated it can be expanded to other ESTCP projects and other professional disciplines to further accelerate the deployment of other ESTCP and SERDP tested technologies.