Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) are highly invasive in freshwater ecosystems and can encumber military operations by encrusting underwater infrastructure and clogging pipes (1–3). Moreover, they spread easily among water bodies and therefore require enhanced biosecurity actions that take time, are expensive, and slow military operations. Additionally, zebra mussels impact the health, reproduction, and recruitment of native mussels by attaching to their shells. This detrimental activity is causing severe declines in already threatened native mussel populations, many of which are likely managed for on Department of Defense (DoD) lands (4, 5). Zebra mussels are currently detected at Naval Station Great Lakes (Illinois) and Offutt Air Force Base (Nebraska). Given the spread of zebra mussels throughout the country, there is a high likelihood that this destructive invasive species will become established on other DoD lands (6). Eradication efforts using copper sulfate have been unsuccessful at Offutt Air Force Base (7).
To address the need for effective and specific inhibition of zebra mussels, this project will advance the science of Ribonucleic acid (RNA) interference (RNAi)-based biocontrol. The project team will test proof of concept that RNAi techniques can alter expression of essential genes in invasive zebra mussels to ultimately control zebra mussels with high specificity. The work will identify target gene sequences and microbial delivery vectors that are best suited for zebra mussel biocontrol, establish quantitative molecular and phenotypic assays for testing RNAi efficacy, define dosing and vector production requirements, and screen for off-target effects on native freshwater mussel species and other invertebrates. Apart from the benefits of specific biocontrol of zebra mussels, RNAi has the potential to become an effective, species-specific tool to manage invasive species more broadly. This outcome is additionally relevant to DoD land managers challenged with a wide range of invasive species on DoD lands.
Technical Approach
This project plans to advance RNAi technology for the specific control of invasive zebra mussels. RNAi is a naturally occurring molecular mechanism used by cells to control gene expression. RNAi is triggered by double stranded RNA molecules (dsRNA) that are processed into small interfering RNAs (siRNA) that then guide the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) to complementary sequences in gene products, usually messenger RNAs (mRNA). This marks the targeted mRNA for degradation or translational inactivation, preventing the gene from expressing its function (8). The project team will use laboratory studies to develop RNAi tools to impair the function of genes critical for zebra mussel fitness, with the goal of developing effective targeting dsRNA and microbial delivery vectors that could allow practical field application in the future.
The technology this project is developing has the potential to both ameliorate environmental and structural damage from zebra mussels on DoD and other managed lands while also mitigating undesired effects of less specific management tools (e.g., pesticides) on native or endangered mussel species and other aquatic organisms.
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