Environmental Restoration (ER) Program Area

The objective of this Statement on Need (SON) was to improve the understanding and management of concrete and asphalt construction materials impacted by historical releases of AFFF containing PFAS. Specifically, the goal was to address the following research needs:

  • Assess the leaching potential of PFAS from historically impacted concrete or asphalt either through surface run-off or leaching through impacted materials to soils and groundwater.
  • Determine the magnitude of PFAS loading to the environment from impacted concrete and asphalt.
  • Develop methodologies or technologies for in-place management of impacted concrete asphalt.
  • Assess the potential for beneficial re-use of impacted materials.

The projects to be funded will be identified by the Fall 2022.

Research should lead to improved management of concrete and asphalt that have been impacted by historic use of AFFF. The resulting tools and understanding should improve the ability to implement effective management strategies at DoD sites and mitigate environmental impact.