Projects Listed Chronologically by Number | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-200825: In Situ Wetland Restoration Demonstration (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Nancy Ruiz) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-200826: Integrated Forensics Approach to Fingerprint PCB Sources using Rapid Screening Characterization and Advanced Chemical Fingerprinting (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Jim Leather)
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ER-200827: Demonstration and Validation of Enhanced Monitored Natural Recovery at DoD Sites (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Bart Chadwick) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-200835: Evaluating the Efficacy of a Low-Impact Delivery System for In Situ Treatment of Sediments Contaminated with Methylmercury and Other Hydrophobic Chemicals (Principal Investigator: Dr. Charlie Menzie)
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ER-200915: Passive PE Sampling in Support of In Situ Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Phil Gschwend) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-200919: Demonstration of an In-Situ Friction-Sound Probe for Mapping Particle Size at Contaminated Sediment Sites (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Bart Chadwick) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-201031: Evaluation of Resuspension from Propeller Wash, Dredging and Extreme Storm Events in DoD Harbors (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. PF Wang) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-201128: Microelectrode Observatory for In Situ Monitoring of Metals Concentration and Mobility in Contaminated Sediments (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Nancy Ruiz) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-201130: Demonstration and Commercialization of the Sediment Ecosystem Assessment Protocol (SEAP) (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Mr. Gunther Rosen) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-201131: Demonstration of In-Situ Treatment with Reactive Amendments for Contaminated Sediments in Active DoD Harbors (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Bart Chadwick) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-201214: Demonstration of Fluorescent Magnetic Particles for Linking Sources to Sediments at DoD Sites (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Jim Leather) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-201215: Evaluating the Efficacy of Bioaugmentation for In Situ Treatment of PCB Impacted Sediments (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Kevin Sowers) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-201216: Sediment Bioavailability Initiative (SBI): Development of Standard Methods and Approaches for the Use of Passive Samplers in Assessment and Management of Contaminated Sediments (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Susan Kane Driscoll) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-201368: Demonstration and Validation of Enhanced Monitored Natural Recovery at DoD Sites (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Bart Chadwick) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-201431: Integrated Passive Sampler-Food Web Modeling Framework for Monitoring Remedy Effectiveness (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Philip Gschwend) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-201432: Demonstration of New Tools for Improved Source and Recontamination Potential Assessment (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Bart Chadwick)
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ER-201433: Validation of Passive Sampling Devices for Monitoring of Munitions Constituents in Underwater Environments (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Gunther Rosen) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-201580: Long-term Stability and Efficacy of Historic Activated Carbon (AC) Deployments at Diverse Freshwater and Marine Remediation Sites (Principal Investigator: Todd Bridges) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-201639: Application of an In Situ PCB Removal Technique for Contaminated Sediments (Principal Investigator: Joey Trotsky) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-201734: High Resolution Passive Profiling to Monitor Contaminated Sediments in Support of Remediation Evaluation and Risk Characterization (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Andrew Jackson) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-201735: Standardization of Polymeric Sampling for Measuring Freely Dissolved Organic Contaminant Concentrations in Sediment Porewater (ESTCP) (Principal Investigator: Mandy Michalsen) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-1492:Quantifying Enhanced Microbial Dehalogenation Impacting the Fate and Transport of Organohalide Mixtures in Contaminated Sediments (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Max Häggblom)
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ER-1501: Innovative In-Situ Remediation of Contaminated Sediments for Simultaneous Control of Contamination and Erosion (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Anna Knox)
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ER-1503: Biological Processes Affection Bioaccumulation, Transfer, and Toxicity of Metal Contaminants in Estuarine Sediments (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Celia Chen)
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ER-1552: Measurement and Modeling of Ecosystem Risk and Recovery for In Situ Treatment of Contaminated Sediments (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Dick Luthy) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-1744: Bioavailability and Methylation Potential of Mercury Sulfides in Sediments (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Heileen Hsu-Kim) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-1745: Coupling between Pore Water Fluxes, Structural Heterogeneity, and Biogeochemical Processes Controls Contaminant Mobility, Bioavailability, and Toxicity in Sediments (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Aaron Packman) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-1746: Predicting the Fate and Effects of Resuspended Metal Contaminated Sediments (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Allen Burton)
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ER-1747: Robust Means for Estimating Black Carbon-Water Sorption Coefficients of Organic Contaminants in Sediments (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Phil Gschwend) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-1748: Development of an Electrochemical Surrogate for Copper, Lead, and Zinc Bioaccessibility in Aquatic Sediments (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Aaron Slowey) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-1749: Verifying Food Web Bioaccumulation Models by Tracking Fish Exposure and Contaminant Uptake (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Karl Gustavson) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-1750: The Biology of Bioavailability: The Role of Functional Ecology in Exposure Processes (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Todd Bridges) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-1771: Assessing Mercury and Methylmercury Bioavailability in Sediment Porewater Using Mercury-Specific Hydrogels (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Victor Magar) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-2122: Tracking the Uptake, Translocation, Cycling, and Metabolism of Munitions Compounds in Coastal Marine Ecosystems Using Stable Isotopic Tracer (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Craig Tobias)
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ER-2134: A Permeable Active Amendment Concrete (PAAC) for Contaminant Remediation and Erosion Control (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Anna Knox) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-2135: Application of Biofilm Covered Activated Carbon Particles as a Microbial Inoculum Delivery System for Enhanced Bioaugmentation of PCBs in Contaminated Sediment (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Birthe Kjellerup)
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ER-2136: Activated Biochars with Iron for In-Situ Sequestration of Organics, Metals, and Carbon (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Upal Ghosh) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-2341: Review and Synthesis of Evidence Regarding Environmental Risks Posed by Munitions Constituents (MC) in Aquatic Systems (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Todd Bridges) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-2427: Understanding the Relationships Among Low Level Metal Influx, Remediated Sediments, and Biological Receptors (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Anna Knox) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-2428: Assessment and Management of Stormwater Impacts on Sediment Recontamination (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Danny Reible) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-2429: Combining Mass Balance Modeling with Passive Sampling at Contaminated Sediment Sites to Evaluate Continuing Inputs and Food Web Responses to Remedial Actions (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Philip Gschwend) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-2431: Quantitative Thermodynamic Exposure Assessment (Q-TEA) Supporting Resilient Contaminated Sediment Site Restoration (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Todd Bridges) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-2537: Remedy and Recontamination Assessment Array (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Bart Chadwick)
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ER-2538: Development of A Passive Multisampling Method to Measure Dioxins/Furans and Other Contaminant Bioavailability in Aquatic Sediments (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Rainer Lohmann) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-2539: Development of an In Situ Passive Sampler for the Detection and Remediation of Explosive Compounds (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Penny Vlahos) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-2540: Actively Shaken In-Situ Passive Sampler Platform for Methylmercury and Organics (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Upal Ghosh) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-2541: Multipurpose Sediment Passive Sampler with Improved Tissue Mimicry to Measure the Bioavailable Fraction (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Paul Edmiston) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-2542: Optimization of Integrative Passive Sampling Approaches for Use in the Epibenthic Environment (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Jason Belden) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER-2543: Nanofiber-Enabled, Multi-Target Passive Sampling Device for Determination of the Freely-Dissolved Sediment Pore Water Concentrations of Organic Contaminants (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Andres Martinez) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER18-1145: Prevention of Sediment Recontamination by Improved BMPs to Remove Organic and Metal Contaminants from Stormwater Runoff (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Dick Luthy) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER18-1181: Proof-of-Concept for the In Situ Toxicity Identification Evaluation (iTIE) Technology for Assessing Contaminated Sediments, Remediation Success, Recontamination and Source Identification (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: G. Allen Burton) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER18-1230: Development, Evaluation, and Technology Transfer of BMPs for Optimizing Removal of PAHs, PCBs, PFASs, and Metals for Stormwater at DoD Sites (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Staci Simonich) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER18-1303: Treatment Media for Control of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Metals in Stormwater (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Birthe Kjellerup) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER18-1371: Development of Tools to Inform the Selection of Stormwater Controls at DoD Bases to Limit Potential Sediment Recontamination (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Danny Reible) | ||||||||||||||||||
ER18-1428: Drinking Water Treatment Residuals as Material for In-Situ Capping of Metal Contaminated Sediments (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Jean-Claude Bonzongo) |