August 28-30, 2001 Toronto, Ontario
To view presentations please download the archive below:
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0800-0845 | Registration (Continental breakfast available) (Registration Fee is US$60 or C$90, payable by check to Geo-Centers, Inc. or in cash) |
0845 | Convene Meeting |
0845-0855 | Introductory Remarks, meeting logistics | Sartwell | NRL |
0855-0905 | Overview of HCAT Program | Sartwell | NRL |
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0905-0915 | Overview of outstanding technical issues | Legg | Rowan Technology |
0915-0935 | Coating optimization and integrity testing | J. Sauer | Sauer Engineering |
0935-0955 | Bend testing of WC/Co-coated A10 LG cylinders | Edwards | Hill AFB |
0955-1015 | Tensile testing of large WC/Co-coated specimens | E. Lee | NAVAIR |
1015-1030 | Break |
1030-1040 | Planned coating integrity testing on large tensile specimens | Bretz | Metcut Research |
1040-1055 | Coating process mapping plans for high-stress applications | Schell, Legoux | GE Aircraft Eng. NRC Canada |
1055-1130 | Final review of wear studies | Schell | GE Aircraft Eng. |
1130-1155 | Hydrogen embrittlement testing | Dull | Boeing Seattle |
1155-1315 | Lunch (on your own) |
1315-1335 | Review of additional corrosion studies | Sartwell | NRL |
1335-1405 | CHCAT fatigue and corrosion testing | Dyer | Orenda |
1405-1430 | CHCAT wear testing | Dyer | Orenda |
1430-1450 | F/A-18 E/F nose landing gear rig test | Eybel | Messier-Dowty |
1450-1510 | DASH 8 rig test and LG piston bend test | Evans | Goodrich |
1510-1530 | Stripping, finishing & fluid compatibility testing | Ben Salah | Heroux |
1530-1545 | Break |
1545-1605 | HVOF coatings characterization and NDI | Kolek | AFRL |
1605-1620 | Issuance of AMEC Specifications | Parker | NASA KSC |
1620-1630 | Review of planned testing on coating integrity | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1630-1700 | Open discussion on issues related to technology insertion of HVOF coatings on landing gear |
1700 | Adjourn for day |
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0700-0730 |
| |
0730 | Assemble in lobby and board buses |
0745 | Depart for Messier-Dowty |
0845 | Arrive Messier-Dowty and commence tour |
1100 | Return to buses |
1115 | Depart for Crowne Plaza Hotel |
1215 | Arrive at hotel |
1215-1330 | Lunch (on your own) |
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1330-1415 | Review of all fatigue, corrosion, and wear tests | Nardi | Hamilton-Sundstrand |
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1415-1435 | Development of materials and functional JTP | Jang | NTS |
1435-1455 | Review of tech orders and selection of candidate actuators for testing at Tinker AFB | Reynolds | ARINC |
1455-1510 | Tribaloy coating on F/A-18 LG shock absorber | Piu | NAVAIR |
1510-1525 |
1525-1540 | Execution of materials Joint Test Protocol | Sartwell | NRL |
1540-1600 | TF33 component qualification and HVOF technology insertion at Oklahoma City ALC | Alford | PEWG |
1600-1620 | Results of TF34 engine test | Devereaux | NADEP JAX |
1620-1635 | Contracts with OEMs for component identification and test requirements | Sartwell | NRL |
1635-1650 | Navy CH46 aft vertical shaft and forward carrier shaft rig test | C. Sauer | NADEP CP |
1650 | Adjourn for day |
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0730-0800 | Continental breakfast in meeting room |
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0800-0820 | AFRL plating NLOS project update | Kolek | AFRL |
0820-0840 | Electrospark deposition project update | Johnson | PNL |
0840-0900 | Electrodeposited nanocrystalline coatings project update | D. Lee | McDermott |
0900-0920 | Plasma-spray coatings project update | Legg | Rowan Technology |
0920-0955 |
| Hannapel | The Policy Group |
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0955-1005 | NADEP Jacksonville | Devereaux | NADEP JAX |
1005-1020 | Ogden ALC | Cheever | Ogden ALC |
1020-1035 | NADEP Cherry Point | C. Sauer | NADEP CP |
1035-1055 | Activated combustion HVAF technology | Verstak | UniqueCoat Technologies |
1055-1115 | HVOF coating of aircraft components at Curtiss Wright | Beatty | Curtiss Wright |
1115-1140 | Other commercial presentations | TBD |
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1140-1210 | Using new web site | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1210 | Adjourn Meeting |
Afternoon | Informal tour of Goodrich facility including full scale LG cylinder rig test (Details to be provided at meeting) |