January 23-25, 2007 New Orleans, Louisiana
To view presentations please download the archive below:
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0830 | Convene Meeting |
0830-0835 | Introductory remarks, meeting logistics | Sartwell | Naval Research Lab |
0835-0855 | Overview of projects managed or co-managed by HCAT | Sartwell | Naval Research Lab |
0855-0925 | Overview of SERDP/ESTCP Metal Finishing Workshop held in May 2006 | Legg | Rowan Technology |
0925-0955 | PROSURF new metal finishing initiative | Thery | SATSFrance |
0955-1025 | Progress in Cr and Cd replacement at INTA | Aguero | INTA |
1025-1040 | Break |
1040-1100 | Data warehousing, HCAT web site, and Implementation Assessment Methodology | Legg | Rowan Technology |
1100-1120 | OSHA hexavalent chromium permissible exposure limit – assessment and impact | Hannapel | The Policy Group |
1120-1205 | Implementation of HVOF at Ogden ALC (tech data, process instructions, eng. review boards, etc) | Montgomery,Edwards,Forrest | Hill AFB |
1205-1315 | Lunch (provided) |
1315-1345 | Development of water jet stripping of HVOF;Implementation of superfinishing of HVOF | Eybel | Messier-Dowty |
1345-1420 | Status/results of flight testing of HVOF-coated landing gear components; P-3 HVOF Piston WC-Co Coating Analysis | Devereaux | NAVAIR |
1420-1445 | Qualification and implementation of HVOF coatings on landing gear | Evans | Goodrich |
1445-1505 | Hard chrome replacement and repair on C-17 landing gear | Gilman | Boeing Long Beach |
1505-1520 | Inspection of HVOF coatings on 767-400 landing gear after long-term service | Falkowski | Boeing |
1520-1535 | Break |
1535-1555 | Crack detection in HVOF coatings by ultrasonic vibrothermography | Legoux | NRC Canada |
1555-1630 | Delta qualification testing on Air Force actuators and HVOF technology insertion | Reynolds | ARINC |
1630-1655 | Update on HVOF seal testing and experience | Garcia | Busak + Shamban |
1655-1725 | Update on chrome elimination efforts at Tinker AFB | BondarukMarnix | Tinker AFB |
1725 | Adjourn for the day |
1830-2030 | Networking reception for all attendees(location to be determined) |
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0730-0800 | Continental breakfast in meeting room |
0800 | Convene meeting |
0800-0825 | Results of fatigue testing on HVOF coatings vs. chrome (helicopter dynamic components JTP) | Bretz | Metcut Research |
0825-0850 | Results of component rig tests on H-1 helicopter components | Sartwell | Naval Research Laboratory |
0850-0910 | Chrome replacement efforts on helicopter dynamic components in Navy | Kestler | NAVAIR |
0910-0945 | Electrodeposited nano Co-P: coatings development and technology insertion at Fleet Readiness Center Jacksonville | McCrea | Integran Technologies |
0945-1010 | Status of Advanced Non-line-of-sight Chromium Alternatives Project | Pavlik | Concurrent Technologies Corp. |
1010-1025 | Break |
| |
1025-1050 | New systems for grinding and finishing of thermal spray coatings | Heuermann | 3M Abrasive Systems Div. |
1050-1115 | Automated cryo-vapor cooling system for HVOF coating operations | ZureckiCarrollVaughan | Air ProductsDelta AirlinesDelta Airlines |
1115-1125 | Overview of Joint Cadmium Alternatives Team | Brown | NAVAIR Pax River |
1125-1155 | Update on execution of Phase II of cadmium alternatives JTP for high-strength steels | BermanCrocco | AFRLCTC |
1155-1315 | Lunch (provided) |
1315-1345 | Evaluation of Dipsol IZ-C17 low hydrogen embrittling alkaline zinc-nickel plating | Gaydos | Boeing St. Louis |
1345-1410 | Cadmium replacement and repair on C-17 landing gear | Gilman | Boeing Long Beach |
1410-1435 | Corrosion performance of AlumiPlate coated electrical connectors with trivalent Cr post-treat | Schwartz | NAVAIR Pax River |
1435-1455 | Cadmium alternatives for fasteners - status and path forward | Jennings | NAVSEA |
1455-1525 | Update on development and qualification of S53 ultra-high-strength steel | Kuehmann | QuesTek Innovations |
1525-1540 | Break |
1540-1605 | Updated project results on atmospheric-pressure CVD of aluminum coatings | Berman | AFRL |
1605-1640 | Magnetron sputtered aluminum and aluminum alloy coatings for cadmium plating replacement | Pavlik | CTC |
1640 | Adjourn for the day |
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0730-0800 | Continental breakfast in meeting room |
0800 | Convene meeting |
0800-0830 | Electrolytic plasma technology for surface cleaning and coating deposition for Cd replacement | Meletis | University of Texas |
0830-0900 | Research on plasma electrolytic deposition of coatings for Cd replacement at Sheffield University | Sartwell | NRL |
0900-0930 | Laser shock peening for aircraft engine components | Grendahl | Army Research Laboratory |
0930-0955 | Plasma electrolytic processes – possibilities for chrome plating replacement | Gongescu | Sputtek, Inc. |
0955-1010 | Break |
1010-1035 | Deposition of wear-resistant coatings onto landing gear components by Directed Vapor Deposition | Hass | Directed Vapor Technologies |
1035-1100 | Novel PECVD technology for coating internal surfaces | Brown | Sub-One Technology |
1100-1125 | Finishing of HVOF WC/Co-coated high-pressure oil and gas gate valves using chemical mechanical polishing | Lesiak | Engineered Surface Finishes |
1125-1205 | Electrospark deposition – results of materials testing and technology insertion | Price | Advanced Surfaces & Processes |
1205-1315 | Lunch (provided) |
1315-1330 | Overview of project on SPD of aluminum and Al alloy coatings for protection of Mg alloy components | Sartwell | Naval Research Laboratory |
1330-1400 | Results of mechanical evaluation and corrosion testing of SPD coatings on Mg alloys | Grendahl | Army Research Laboratory |
1400-1425 | Status of SPD activities at NRC Canada | Legoux | NRC Canada |
1425-1450 | Cold Spray – a new solid-state material spraying technology | Villafuerte | Centerline Ltd. |
1450-1510 | Break |
1510-1630 | OPEN DISCUSSION – Metal finishing and coating requirements for OEMs and repair/overhaul facilities |
1630 | Meeting adjournment |