Last Name | First Name | Organization |
Adelson | Jordan | Navy |
Ahlborn | David | Cape Environmental Management |
Albe | Mark | Sterling |
Altman | Pat | NOSSA |
Anders | Doris | Army Environmental Command (WSP) |
Anderson | Deb | Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment |
Anderson | Derek | HydroGeoLogic Inc. |
Anderson | Jamie | CAPE Environmental Management Inc |
Andrews | Anne | SERDP/ESTCP |
Ange | Julie | ADEM |
Armentrout | Jeffery | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
Atkinson | Erin | Tetra Tech |
Austreng | James | NAVFAC EV31 |
Barber | Gene | EA Engineering Science and Technolgy Inc. PBC |
Barker | Carl | USACE-Directorate of Environmental & Muntions Center of Expertise (EM CX) |
Beauchamp | Suzanne | USACE Ft. Worth District (at SWT) |
Bell | David | Battelle |
Bell | Ronald | International Geophysical Services, LLC |
Bell | Thomas | Leidos |
Bergquist | Tracy | KEMRON Environmental Services Inc. |
Blohm | Mark | Blohm Consulting LLC |
Blohm | Richard | Zapata/Blackhawk Division |
Boler | Kent | Matrix Environmental Services |
Bourgeois | Sandra | US EPA Region 8 |
Brennan | Matthew | Pueblo Chemical Depot |
Brunette | Brian | AECOM |
Buescher | John | Army Contract Support |
Burr | Arnold | NSWC IHEODTD |
Campbell | Ralph | USACE HNC OED |
Christian | Matt | OTIE |
Chu | Julian | Headquarters U.S. Army Corps of Engineeers |
Chung | Heesoo | InDepth Corporation |
Church | Wendy | Pika Inc |
Coats | Kevin | USACE Huntsville Eng and Support Center - Envi and Munitions Center of Expertise |
Cobb | Stephen | ADEM |
Colozza | Thomas | USACE-Baltimore |
Corl | William | NAVSEA Laboratory Quality and Accreditation Office |
Craig | Harry | EPA Region 10 |
Crandall | Al | USA Environmental Inc. |
DeFrates | Josh | HydroGeoLogic |
Deignan | Timothy | HGL |
Diggs | Charles | Dynasafe |
Doll | William | Battelle |
Dollar | Mark | Tetra Tech |
Donatelli | Daryl | Cascade Geo Equipment |
Donnell | Kyra | CH2M HILL |
Enman | Melanie | ERRG INC |
Evans | Christopher | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
Fairbanks | Jeffrey | SERDP/ESTCP Support Office - HGL |
Ficklen | Holmes Don | Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) |
Field | Ryan D. | US Army Corps of Engineers |
Flemmer | Jeremy | CB&I Federal Services |
Ford | Dwayne | Corps of Engineers EM CX |
Frey | Bryan | Headquarters Department of the Army |
Furuya | Tom | Acorn Science and Innovation |
Gamey | Jeff | Battelle |
Gannon | Cheryl | AECOM |
Gascho | Andy | Gilbane |
George | David | G&G Sciences Inc. |
Goodrich | Matthew | Hawthorne Army Depot |
Grabowski | Richard | US Army Corps of Engineers |
Graham | Andrea | US Army Corps of Engineers - Baltimore District |
Haliscak | Jonathan | Air Force Civil Engineer Center |
Hall | Darrell | AECOM |
Harbaugh | Glenn | Naval Research Laboratory |
Harlan | Jennifer | ERT Inc. |
Harre | Bryan | NAVFAC EXWC |
Hathaway | John | PNNL |
Hayes | Ken | Aqua Survey, Inc. |
Hecker | Brian | InDepth Corporation |
Hendler | Harry | Arizona Department of Environmental Quality |
Henker | Clint | CESO HQ US Army Corps of Engineers |
Hild | Jim | ZAPATA Incorporated |
Hirsh | Steven | US EPA REGION III (3HS10) |
Hiscox | Julie | USACE Savannah District |
Hoda | Badrul | Air Force |
Hoekstra | Bart | Geometrics |
Hurff | Stephen | NAVFAC HQ |
Jackson | John | USACE |
Jacobs | Gregory | U.S. Army Hawthorne Army Depot |
Jacobs | Jorge | Kansas Department of Health and Environment |
Jacobson | Jon | HDR Inc. |
Johnson | Betina | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Huntsville Center |
Jordan | Brian | USACE |
Kantsios | Victoria | AECOM |
Kaye | Katherine | SERDP/ESTCP Support Office - HGL |
Keiswetter | Dean | Acorn SI |
Kennedy | Colin | UIT LLC |
Khadr | Nagi | Parsons |
King | James | HQDA OASA (IE&E)'S ODASA(ESOH) |
King | Melissa | NSWC IHEODTD |
Kingdon | Kevin | Black Tusk Geophysics |
Kirwan | Eric | USACE-Fort Worth |
Klaff | Tamir | CH2M HILL |
Kochefko | John | USACE |
Koontz | Kelly | HQ USACE |
Kuecker | Joan | Air Force |
Lafferty | Pat | GSI Company |
Lahti | Raye | Amec Foster Wheeler |
Larkins | Al | ARCADIS |
Leberfinger | Jeffrey | TerranearPMC |
Lhomme | Nicolas | Black Tusk Geophysics |
Liu | Cynthia | ERRG |
Lukasko | James | US Army Corps of Engineeers |
Mach | Richard | Department of Navy |
MacNeil | Ric | USA Environmental Inc. |
Maddox | Doug | US EPA |
Mascarznaz | Melody | CDPHE |
Masche | Frank | EMC Kampfmittelbeseitigungs GmbH |
McCoun | Travis | USACE-NAB |
McCumber | Sherry | USACE Savannah District |
McGuire | Michael | EA Engineering Science and Technology Inc. PBC |
Meacham | Mark | CENWO-PM-HA |
Meerburg | Glen | Geosoft |
Miller | Jonathan | White River Technologies |
Mills | Dennis | Exploratioin Instruments LLC |
Morefield | Deborah | OASD(EI&E)/ESOH |
Morris | John | EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. |
Morriss | Anthony | Air Force |
Mortimer | Darren | Geosoft Inc |
Murray | Craig | Parsons |
Murray | Douglas | Tetra Tech |
Nelson | David | ATI, Inc. |
Nelson | Herb | SERDP/ESTCP |
Newburn | Lisa | PNNL |
Newman | Kyle | VA Department of Environmental Quality |
Odlum | Nick | Geometrics |
Packer | Bonnie | ARNG |
Pasion | Len | Black Tusk Geophysics |
Paski | Alison | NAEVA Geophysics Inc. |
Peck | Tim | USACE-Baltimore |
Perry | Richard | Sterling Global |
Pfeiffer | Jim | Zapata Incorporated |
Phaneuf | Mark | US Army Corps of Engineers SPA |
Powers | Brian | AECOM |
Racca | Roman | Cal EPA Department of Toxic Substances Control |
Riegert | Michael | U.S. Army Corps of Engineer South Atlantic Division |
Roberts | Barry | Sandia National Labs |
Rodriguez | Daniel | US EPA Region 2 |
Rutherford | Sean | SERDP/ESTCP Support Office - HGL |
Sabol | Jeff | KEMRON Environmental Services Inc. |
Satkin | Richard | Matrix Environmental Services LLC |
Saville | Steve | Amec Foster Wheeler |
Schultz | Greg | White River Technologies |
Schwartz | Andrew | usace |
Shaw | Patrick | Army National Guard Directorate |
Shubitidze | Fridon | Dartmouth College |
Sievers | Larry | OTIE |
Sikes | John | USACE EM CX |
Small | Terry | Sterling Global Operations Inc. |
Smith | Ian | Air Force Civil Engineer Center |
Sprott | Thomas | Zapata Incorporated |
Stacy | Steve | ARCADIS |
Staes | Ed | Parsons |
Steigerwalt | Ryan | Weston Solutions Inc. |
Steinhurst | Dan | Nova Research Inc. |
Stites | Robb | EPA |
Stojanovic | Boban | FPR-Remediations |
Stolte | Nicholas | USACE |
Stone | Sharon | USAF AFCEC/CZO |
Strickland | Chrystal | ADEM |
Swahn | Rick | AECOM |
Swanson | Jeff | Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment |
Swiech-Laflamme | Marie | Bay West LLC |
Takata | Sandra | CB&I |
Thompson | St. Clair | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Tow | Eric | TerranearPMC |
Tuta | Zane | CB&I Federal Services |
Ussery | Jon | AFCEC/CZRW |
Valleau | Nicholas | Geosoft Inc. |
Vazquez | Julio | EPA Region 2 |
Vogler | Ken | Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment |
Wagner | Jason | USA Environmental Inc. |
Waldrip | John | Utah Department of Environmental Quality |
Walker | Amy | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Huntsville |
Weller | Jennifer | CH2MHill |
White | Tracie | Colorado Dept of Public Health & Environment |
Whiteaker | Allerick | Terranearpmc |
Williams | Vince | EA Engineering Science & Tech |
Wilson | Dustin | Leidos |
Wilson | John | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Wright | David | CH2M HILL |
Young | Steven | Burns & McDonnell Inc |
Zadecky | Megan | Booz Allen Hamilton |
Zelenvich | Max | Battelle |
Zwehn | Eveline | EMC Kampfmittelbeseitigungs GmbH |