December 6-8, 2016 Orlando, FL
To view individual presentations, click on the links below in the list.
Poster Session
Presentation Title |
Presenter/Organization |
Martin Beneke / Airbus |
Mr. William Betush / Lockheed Martin |
Keynote - Report of ESTCP Initiative on Strategy for Cd and Cr6+ Replacement in Depots |
Scot Bryant / Noblis |
Replacement of Chromic Acid Anodizing and Chromated Sealer at Safran |
Mr. Kirk Bucknor / Safran Landing Systems |
Mr. Victor Champagne / ARL |
Establishment of TagniteTM Anodizing Line for Overhauling Magnesium Components at CCAD |
Mr. Kyu Cho / U.S. Army Research Laboratory |
Mr. James Dante / Southwest Research Institute |
Dr. Douglas Dudis / AFRL |
Mr. Brad Durkin / Coventya |
Mr. Bill Elmquist /Tech. Application Group (TAG) Mr. Chris Howe / MOOG, Inc. |
U.S. Army Cd and Cr6+ Elimination by 2025 |
Mr. Mark Feathers /AMCOM |
Mr. Scott Fetter / Lockheed Martin |
LHE ZnNi for Cd replacement at Hill AFB - Atmospheric and Flight Testing |
Mr. Dave Frederick / AFMC Mr. Craig Pessetto / ES3 |
Mrs. Juliana Garcia / Socomore |
Dr. Alan Grieve / NAWCAD Dr. Jon McCrea / Integran |
U.S. Army Toxic Metal Reduction Program: Eliminating Cr6+ Replacement in Depots |
Mr. Erik Hangeland / U.S. Army RDECOM Mr. Noah Lieb / Jensen Hughes |
Securing the Availability of Green, Enhanced Coatings (SAGE-Coat) for U.S. Army Applications |
Mr. Erik Hangeland / U.S. Army RDECOM Mr. Patrick Taylor / Jensen Hughes |
Electrocoat Process for Non-chromate Primers in DoD Manufacturing |
Mr. Bill Hoogsteden / AFRL USCG |
Isocyanate-Free Polysiloxane topcoats for Aircraft and Ground Support Equipment |
Mr. Erick Iezzi / NRL |
Mr. Mark Jaworowski / UTRC |
Environmentally Friendly ZrO2 Pretreatment for Steel and Aluminum |
Mr. Fred Lafferman / ARL Mr. Paul Robinson / AMCOM |
Dayna Lamb / Raytheon |
Craig Matzdorf / NAVAIR PAX |
Advanced Topcoat System for Navy and Marine Corps Aircraft and Ground Vehicles |
Craig Matzdorf / NAVAIR PAX |
Mr. Rich Misiaszek / Raytheon Mr. Jordan Ford / Tuskegee University |
Ron Montgomery /USAF OO-ALC |
Dr. Matthew O'Keefe / Missouri University of Science & Technology |
Reducing Test Bias in Evaluating REACH-Compliant Paint Systems |
Nihad Ben Salah / Safran Tech |
Brenna Skelley / NAVAIR PAX |
Evaluation of Different Candidates for Cd Replacement on Mil Aero Connector Market |
Gerald Tredan / Radiall |
Poster Title |
Presenter/Organization |
Mr. William Betush / Lockheed Martin |
Hexavalent Chrome Alternatives for Aluminum Surface Treatment |
Mrs. Juliana Garcia / Socomore |
Electrochemical Technologies for Replacement of Hexavalent Chromium and Cadmium |
Dr. Maria Inman / Faraday Technology, Inc. |
Dr. Walter Juzukonis / UTRC |
Mr. Jesse Kelly / Luna Innovations |
Environmentally Friendly High Performance Bio-Based Composites for DoD Applications |
Dr. John LaScala / Army Research Laboratory |
Powder Development: Cold Spray Coatings for Cr and Ni Plating Replacement |
Mr. Aaron Nardi / United Technologies Research Center |
Carley Nicoletti / New Jersey Institute of Technology |
Demonstrating Viability of Low VOC E-coat Primers for General Depot Use |
Matthew Scott / PPG |
Novel Atmospheric Pressure High Power Impulse Plasma Source for Durable Field Applicable Coatings |
Dr. Vasiliki (Vicky) Poenitzsch / Southwest Research Institute |
Dr. Georgios Polyzos / Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Brian Rearick / PPG |
Dr. Alan Rose / Corrdesa LLC |
Comprehensive Evaluation and Transition of Non-Chromated Paint Primers |
Brenna Skelley & Julia Russell / NAWC-AD |
Reusability of Cd Electroplating Tooling for Zn-Ni Deposition |
Mr. Bart Van Den Bossche / Elsyca |
TCP-NP (NO PREP): A Performance Study for a Proprietary "NO PREP" Trivalent Chromate |
Mr. Ted Ventresca / CHEMEON Surface Technology |
Facile Deposition of Low Contact Resistance Nano-Coat Passivates for Electrical Components |
Mr. Michael Vinson / Averatek |
Development of Azeotropic Blends to Replace TCE and nPB in Vapor Degreasing Operations |
Dr. Darren Williams / Sam Houston State University |
Funded Innovative, Environmentally Friendly Coating(s) Development |
Dr. Peter Zarras / NAWCWD |