Potomac Institute for Policy Studies901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 200 (Mezzanine Level)Arlington, VA 22203Tel: 571-372-6565(Printable Agenda)
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
09:40 | Convene/Opening Remarks | SERDP/ESTCPDirector |
09:45 | MR-201424: Munitions Classification Library Update and Expansion (ESTCP) | Mr. Craig MurrayParsons |
10:30 | MR-2417: Environmentally Adaptive UXO Detection and Classification Systems (SERDP) | Dr. Nicholas KlausnerInformation System Technologies, Inc. |
11:15 | Break | |
11:30 | MR-2500: Effects of Target Corrosion on Advanced EMI Signatures in Underwater Environments (SERDP) | Dr. Daniel SteinhurstNova Research, Inc. |
12:15 | Lunch | |
13:15 | MR-2502: Quantitative Sediment Mapping: Surveys of Geoacoustic Properties Affecting Munitions Burial, Mobility, and Detection (SERDP) | Dr. Charles HollandPennsylvania State University |
14:00 | MR-200910: Analysis of Multi-Axis, Multi-Coil EMI Sensor Data for UXO Discrimination (ESTCP)MR-201235: Capturing Lessons Learned as Revealed by Large Scale Classification Demonstration Data (ESTCP)MR-201312: UXO Classification Demonstrations at Live Sites using UX-Analyze (ESTCP) | Dr. Dean KeiswetterAcorn SI |
15:00 | Committee Discussion (Closed Door) | |
16:00 | Adjourn |