Potomac Institute for Policy Studies901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 200 (Mezzanine Level)Arlington, VA 22203Tel: 703-525-0770For meeting information, please contact the SERDP/ESTCP office at 571-372-6565(Printable Agenda)
Monday, May 18, 2015 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 - 0845 | SERDP Overview/Update | Dr. John HallRC Program Manager |
0845 - 0930 | RC-2121: Using a Hierarchical Approach to Model RegionalSource-Sink Dynamics for Neotropical-Nearctic Songbirds toInform Management Practices on Department of DefenseInstallations (SERDP) | Dr. Peter MarraSmithsonian Migratory Bird Center |
0930 - 1015 | RC-2155: Multi-Scale Approach to Understanding Source-SinkDynamics of Amphibians (SERDP) | Dr. Lori Eggert & Dr. Bill PetermanUniversity of Missourifor Dr. Raymond Semlitsch |
1015 - 1045 | STC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1045 - 1100 | BREAK | |
1100 - 1145 | RC-2119: Endangered Butterflies as a Model System for Managing Source-Sink Dynamics on Department of Defense Lands (SERDP) | Dr. Elizabeth CroneTufts University |
1145 - 1230 | RC-2109: Identifying Indicators of State Change and Forecasting Future Vulnerability in Alaskan Boreal Ecosystems (SERDP) | Dr. Ted SchuurUniversity of Florida |
1230 - 1330 | Working LunchSTC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1330 - 1415 | RC-2110: Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change on U.S. Army Alaska with Decision Support Tools Developed throughField Work and Modeling (SERDP Outbrief) | Dr. Thomas DouglasU.S. Army ERDC-CRREL |
1415 - 1500 | RC-2111: Improved Understanding of Permafrost Controls on Hydrology in Interior Alaska by Integration of Ground-Based Geophysical Permafrost Characterization and Numerical Modeling (SERDP Outbrief) | Dr. Michelle WalvoordUSGS |
1500 - 1700 | STC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1700 | ADJOURN |
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 - 0845 | SERDP Overview/Update | Dr. John HallRC Program Manager |
0845 - 0930 | RC-2202: Methods for Assessment of Species Richness andOccupancy Across Space, Time, Taxonomic Groups, and Ecoregions (SERDP) | Dr. Erica FleishmanUniversity of California, Davis |
0930 - 1015 | RC-2203: Predicting, Measuring, and Monitoring Aquatic Invertebrate Biodiversity on Dryland Military Bases (SERDP) | Dr. David LytleOregon State University |
1015 - 1045 | STC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1045 - 1100 | Break | |
1100 - 1145 | RC-2243: Patterns and Processes: Monitoring and Understanding Plant Diversity in Frequently Burned Longleaf Pine Landscapes (SERDP) | Dr. Joseph O’BrienUSDA Forest Service,Southern Research Station |
1145 - 1230 | RC-2112: Deep Mapping Teuthivorous Whales and Their Prey Fields (SERDP) | Dr. Mark MolineUniversity of Delaware for Dr. Kelly Benoit-Bird |
1230 - 1330 | Working LunchSTC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1330- 1415 | RC-2114: Behavioral Ecology of Deep-Diving Odontocetes in the Bahamas (SERDP) | Dr. Diane ClaridgeBahamas Marine Mammal ResearchOrganization |
1415 - 1500 | RC-2154: Odontocete Cetaceans: Quantifying Behavioral Ecology and Response to Predators Using a Multi-Species Approach (SERDP) | Dr. Andrew ReadDuke University |
1500 - 1515 | Break | |
1515 - 1600 | RC-2337: Behavioural Ecology of Cetaceans: The Relationshipof Body Condition with Behavior and Reproductive Status (SERDP) | Dr. Patrick MillerUniversity of St. Andrews |
1600 - 1700 | STC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1700 | ADJOURN |
Wednesday, May 20, 2015 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 - 0845 | SERDP Overview/Update | Dr. John HallRC Program Manager |
0845 - 0930 | RC-2242: Climate Change Impacts to Department of DefenseInstallations (SERDP) | Dr. Veerabhadra KotamarthiArgonne National Laboratory |
0930 - 1015 | RC-2204: Decision-Scaling: A Decision Framework for DoD Climate Risk Assessment and Adaptation Planning (SERDP) | Dr. Casey BrownUniversity of Massachusetts |
1015 - 1045 | STC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1045 - 1100 | Break | |
1100 - 1145 | RC-2206: Understanding Data Needs for VulnerabilityAssessment and Decision Making to Manage Vulnerability of DoDInstallations to Climate Change (SERDP) | Dr. Richard MossBattelle |
1145 - 1230 | RC-2232: Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation onSouthwestern DoD Facilities (SERDP) | Dr. Raphael SagarinUniversity of Arizona |
1230 - 1330 | Working LunchSTC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1330- 1415 | RC-2205: Assessing Climate Change Impacts for DoDInstallations in the Southwest United States During the Warm Season (SERDP) | Dr. Christopher CastroUniversity of Arizona |
1415 - 1545 | Climate Change Decision Framework Report Discussion | |
1545 - 1600 | Break | |
1600 - 1700 | STC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1700 | ADJOURN |
Thursday, May 21, 2015 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 - 0845 | SERDP Overview/Update | Dr. John HallRC Program Manager |
0845 - 0930 | RC-2326: Restoration of Soil Microbial Function Following Degradation on Department of Defense Lands: Mediating Biological Invasions in a Global Change Context (SERDP) | Dr. Kristina StinsonUniversity of Massachusetts |
0930 - 1015 | RC-2327: Role of the Soil Microbial Community in Sagebrush(Artemisia tridentata) and Squirreltail (Elymus elmoides) SeedlingEstablishment in Cheatgrass-invaded Habitats (SERDP) | Dr. Paul DijkstraNorthern Arizona University |
1015 - 1045 | STC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1045 - 1100 | Break | |
1100 - 1145 | RC-2328: Controls Regulating Biological Nitrogen Fixation inLongleaf Pine Ecosystems: The Role of Fire and Military Training(SERDP) | Dr. Nina WurzburgerUniversity of Georgia |
1145 - 1230 | RC-2329: Achieving Dryland Restoration Through the Deploymentof Enhanced Biocrusts to Improve Soil Stability, Fertility and Native Plant Recruitment (SERDP) | Dr. Nichole BargerUniversity of Colorado |
1230 - 1330 | Working LunchSTC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1330- 1415 | RC-2330: Soil Microbial Communities: Critical Roles in Control of Non-Native Invasive Species and Restoration of Ecosystem Functions (SERDP) | Dr. James BeverIndiana University |
1415 - 1700 | STC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1700 | ADJOURN |
Friday, May 22, 2015 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 - 0845 | SERDP Overview/Update | Dr. John HallRC Program Manager |
0845 - 0930 | RC-2434: Seed Dispersal Networks and Novel EcosystemFunctioning in Hawaii (SERDP) | Dr. Jeffrey FosterUniversity of NewHampshire |
0930 - 1015 | RC-2441: Restoring Function to a Novel Ecosystem in the Presence of One of the World's Most Destructive InvasiveSpecies (SERDP) | Dr. Haldre RogersRice University |
1015 - 1045 | STC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1045 - 1100 | Break | |
1100 - 1145 | RC-2117: Developing Novel Ecosystems that Enhance Carbon Storage, Native Biodiversity, and Human Mobility in Lowland Hawaiian Forests (SERDP) | Dr. Rebecca OstertagUniversity of Hawai’i |
1145 - 1230 | RC-2120: Sources and Sinks: Elucidating Mechanisms, Documenting Patterns, and Forecasting Impacts (SERDP) | Dr. John Marzluff University of Washingtonfor Dr. Joshua Lawler |
1230 - 1400 | Working LunchSTC Meet with Resource Conservation & Climate Change Program Manager | |
1400 | ADJOURN |