Spates Hall, 214 McNair Rd, Fort Myers, Arlington, VA
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2014 | |||
0830 | Registration | ||
0900 | Welcome and IntroductionWorkshop Objectives and Structure | Andrea Leeson(SERDP and ESTCP) | |
0915 | User Needs and Challenges | Gunarti Coghlan(Navy SE FEC) | |
0945 | Overview of Regulatory Perspective | Kathy Davies(EPA Region 3) | |
1015 | Break | ||
1030 | Summary of the Current State of the Science and Lessons Learned | Hans Stroo(Stroo Consulting, LLC) | |
-Site Characterization and Monitoring Session- | |||
1100 | Geophysical Tools and Their Use in Fractured Media | Lee Slater(Rutgers University) | |
1130 | Using Mass Flux to Predict Plume and Remediation Response | Michael Annable(University of Florida) | |
1200 | Lunch and Poster Session | ||
1300 | ER-201209: Methods for Minimization and Management of Variability in Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Results (ESTCP) | Tom McHugh(GSI Environmental) | |
1330 | ER-2419:Direct Push Optical Screening Tool for High Resolution, Real Time Mapping of Chlorinated Solvent DNAPL Architecture (SERDP) | Andrew Jackson(Texas Tech University) | |
1400 | ER-201121: High Resolution Delineation of Contaminant Concentrations, Biogeochemical Processes, and Microbial Communities in Saturated Subsurface Environments (ESTCP) | Murray Einarson(Haley & Aldrich) | |
1430 | DNAPL Source Zone Architecture Key Implications | Linda Abriola(Tufts University) | |
1500 | Break | ||
-Performance Assessment, Optimization & Decision Support- | |||
1515 | ER-1740: Basic Research Addressing Contaminants in Low Permeability Zones (SERDP) | Tom Sale(Colorado State University) | |
1545 | ER-2308: Practical Assessment and Optimization of Redox Based Groundwater Remediation Technologies (SERDP) | Paul Tratnyek (Oregon Health & Science) | |
1615 | ER-2309: Development of Field Methodology to Rapidly Detect Dehalococcoides and Dehalobacter Spp. Genes On-Site (SERDP) | Alison Cupples(Michigan State University) | |
1645 | Poster Session Reception | ||
1800 | Adjourn |
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2014 | |||
0830 | Registration | ||
-Performance Assessment, Optimization & Decision Support (cont’d)- | |||
0900 | ER-2310: A Practical Approach for Remediation Performance Assessment and Optimization at DNAPL sites for Early Identification and Correction of Problems Considering Uncertainty (SERDP) | Jack Parker(University of Tennessee) | |
0930 | ER-2312: Advanced Environmental Molecular Diagnostics to Assess, Monitor, and Predict Microbial Activities at Complicated Chlorinated Solvent Sites (SERDP) | Frank Löffler(University of Tennessee) | |
1000 | ER-2313: Forecasting Effective Site Characterization and Early Remediation Performance (SERDP) | Michael Kavanaugh(Geosyntec) | |
1030 | Break | ||
1045 | ER-201120: Development of an Expanded, High-Reliability Cost and Performance Database for In-Situ Remediation Technologies (ESTCP) | Travis McGuire(GSI Environmental) | |
1115 | ER-201425: Validation of Biotechnology for Quantifying the Abundance and Activity of Vinyl-Chloride Oxidizers in Contaminated Groundwater (ESTCP) | Tim Mattes(University of Iowa) | |
1145 | Lunch and Poster Session | ||
1245 | ER-201426: A Practical Approach for Modeling Matrix Diffusion Effects in REMChlor (ESTCP) | Ron Falta(Clemson University) | |
1315 | ER-2531: Role of Acidophilic Methanotrophs in Long Term Natural Attenuation of VOCs in Low pH Aquifers (SERDP) | Paul Hatzinger(CB&I Federal Services) | |
1345 | ER-201428: Long-Term Performance Assessment at a Highly Characterized and Instrumented DNAPL Source Area Following Bioaugmentation (ESTCP) | Charles Schaefer(CDM Smith) | |
1415 | Break | ||
-Remediation Technologies- | |||
1430 | ER-201210: Designing, Assessing, and Demonstrating SustainableBioaugmentation for Treatment of DNAPL Sources in Fractured Bedrock | Charles Schaefer(CDM Smith) | |
1500 | ER-201429: Performance of Two Technologies to Control Difficult-to-Treat Matrix Diffusion Zones: Post-Bioremediation Sustained Treatment and MNA in Low Permeability Units (ESTCP) | Travis McGuire(GSI Environmental Inc.) | |
1530 | ER-201430: A Rigorous Demonstration of Environmental Fracturing in Low Permeability Media (ESTCP) | Kent Sorenson(CDM Smith) | |
1600 | General Discussion
| Group Discussion | |
1630 | Adjourn |
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12 2014 | |||
0830 | Registration | ||
-Remediation Technologies (cont’d)- | |||
0900 | ER-201129: Quantitative Framework for the Selection of Bioremediation Approaches (ESTCP) | John Wilson(Lebron Consulting) | |
0930 | ER-201328: Contaminant Flux Reduction Barriers for Managing Difficult-to- Treat Source Zones in Unconsolidated Media | Chuck Newell(GSI Environmental) | |
1000 | ER-201325: Electrokinetic-Enhanced (EK-Enhanced) Amendment Delivery for Remediation of Low Permeability and Heterogeneous Materials | Evan Cox(Geosyntec) | |
1030 | ER-201124: In Situ Biogeochemical Transformation of Chlorinated Solvents | Pat Evans(CDM Smith) | |
1100 | Break | ||
1115 | FY15 SERDP New Start ProjectsGeneral Discussion
| Andrea Leeson(SERDP & ESTCP) | |
1230 | Adjourn |