The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) owns or manages more than 25 million acres of lands, representing a wide array of natural ecosystems that support numerous rare and endangered species. In addition, DoD installations are located in ecologically significant areas and provide refuge to a large number of the nation's threatened and endangered plants and animals. Ensuring the long-term viability of these species requires an understanding of these landscapes, species resource requirements, and the contributions of regionally located federal, state and local organizations. The DoD relies heavily upon these lands for conducting military missions, and training days may be limited due to ecological impacts occurring on this natural infrastructure. Research in this area has been imperative to controlling the risk associated with naturally occurring roadblocks. SERDP and ESTCP efforts are developing and demonstrating the science, models, methods, and technologies associated with species management. The focus of this session is to discuss research and resultant management efforts focused on minimizing impacts and reducing conflicts between threatened, endangered, and at-risk species management and military activities; identifying species vulnerable to population and habitat decline; maintaining long-term species and habitat viability; and reducing the potential for future listings.
Session Chair: Mr. Alan Anderson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
Introduction by Session Chair |
Mr. Alan Anderson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
Mr. Ryan Orndorff, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense |
Dr. Bruce Stein, National Wildlife Federation |
Local and Landscape Scale Factors Affecting Population Persistence of Rare Long-Lived Species |
Dr. Wade Wall, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center |
Predicting the Persistence of Salamanders on DoD Lands |
Dr. Katherine O'Donnell, U.S. Geological Survey |
Dr. Michael Blum, University of Tennessee Knoxville,Dr. Derek Hogan, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi |