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Projects Listed Chronologically by Number | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1435: Identification and Characterization of Natural Sources of Perchlorate (Principal Investigator: Paul Hatzinger)
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ER-1498: Sustainable Range Management of RDX and TNT by Phytoremediation with Engineered Plants (Principal Investigator: Neil Bruce) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1552: Measurement and Modeling of Ecosystem Risk and Recovery for In Situ Treatment of Contaminated Sediments (Principal Investigator: Richard Luthy) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1601: New Cost-Effective Method for Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Programs (Principal Investigator: Charles Newell) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1604: Pre-concentration for Improved Long-term Monitoring of Contaminants in Groundwater (Principal Investigator: Brandy White) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1606: Development of Biomarkers for Assessing In Situ RDX Biodegradation Potential (SERDP) (Principal Investigator: Alison Cupples) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1612: Metric Identification and Protocol Development for Characterizing DNAPL Source Zone Architecture and Associated Plume Response (Principal Investigator: Linda Abriola) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1613: Predicting DNAPL Source Zone and Plume Response Using Site-Measured Characteristics (Principal Investigator: Michael Annable) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1685: Coupled Diffusion and Reaction Processes in Rock Matrices: Impact on Dilute Groundwater Plumes (Principal Investigator: Charles Schaefer) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1686: Integrated Field-Scale, Lab-Scale, and Modeling Studies for Improving Our Ability to Assess the Groundwater to Indoor Air Pathway at Chlorinated Solvent-Impacted Groundwater Sites (Principal Investigator: Paul Johnson) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1688: Improving Understanding of the Fate and Transport of Munitions Constituents to Enhance Sustainability of Operational Ranges (Principal Investigator: Herbert Allen) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1689: Fate and Transport of Colloidal Energetic Residues (Principal Investigator: Mark Fuller) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1734: Developing Quantum Chemical and Polyparameter Models for Predicting Environmentally Significant Parameters for New Munition Compounds (Principal Investigator: Dominic DiToro) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1735: Fully In Silico Calibration of Empirical Predictive Models for Environmental Fate Properties of Novel Munitions Compounds (Principal Investigator: Paul Tratnyek) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1736: Development of an Environmental Fate Simulator for New and Proposed Military-unique Munition Compounds (Principal Investigator: Eric Weber) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1737: Impact of Clay-DNAPL Interactions on Transport and Storage of Chlorinated Solvents in Low Permeability Zones (Principal Investigator: Avery Demond) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1738: The Importance of Sorption in Low-permeability Zones on Chlorinated Solvent Plume Longevity in Sedimentary Aquifers (Principal Investigator: Richelle Allen-King) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1739: The Behaviour of Compound Specific Stable Isotopes During the Storage of Chlorinated Solvents in Low-Permeability Zones Through Diffusion and Sorption (Principal Investigator: Orfan Shouakar-Stash)
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ER-1740: Basic Research Addressing Contaminants in Low Permeability Zones (Principal Investigator: Tom Sale) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1741: Antimony (V) Adsorption by Variable-Charge Minerals (Principal Investigator: Michael Essington)
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ER-1742: Mechanisms and Permanence of Sequestered Pb and As in Soils: Impact on Human Bioavailability (Principal Investigator: Nick Basta) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1743: PAH Interactions with Soil and Effects on Bioaccessibility and Bioavailability to Humans (Principal Investigator: Yvette Lowney) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1744: Bioavailability and Methylation Potential of Mercury Sulfides in Sediments (Principal Investigator: Heileen Hsu-Kim) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1745: Coupling Between Pore Water Fluxes, Structural Heterogeneity, and Biogeochemcial Processes Controls Contaminant Mobility, Bioavailability, and Toxicity in Sediments (Principal Investigator: Aaron Packman) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1746: Predicting the Fate and Effects of Resuspended Metal Contaminated Sediments (Principal Investigator: G. Allen Burton) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1747: Robust Means for Estimating Black Carbon-Water Sorption Coefficients of Organic Contaminants in Sediments (Principal Investigator: Phil Gschwend) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1749: Verifying Food Web Bioaccumulation Models by Tracking Fish Exposure and Contaminant Uptake (Principal Investigator: Karl Gustavson) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1750: The Biology of Bioavailability: The Role of Functional Ecology in Exposure Processes (Principal Investigator: Todd Bridges)
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ER-1770: Lead and Antimony Speciation in Shooting Range Soils: Molecular Scale Analysis, Temporal Trends and Mobility (Principal Investigator: Thomas Trainor) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-1771: Assessing Mercury and Methylmercury Bioavailability in Sediment Porewater Using Mercury-Specific Hydrogels (Principal Investigator: Victor Magar) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2122: Tracking the Uptake, Translocation, Cycling, and Metabolism of Munitions Compounds in Coastal Marine Ecosystems Using Stable Isotopic Tracer (Principal Investigator: Craig Tobias) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2123: Photochemical Transformation of Munitions Constituents in Marine Waters (Principal Investigator: Dianne Luning-Prak) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2124: TNT Incorporation and Mineralization by Natural Microbial Assemblages at Frontal Boundaries Between Water Masses and in Underlying Sediments in Coastal Ecosystems (Principal Investigator: Michael Montgomery)
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ER-2125: Ecological Risk Assessment of Munitions Compounds on Coral and Coral Reef Health (Principal Investigator: Cheryl Woodley) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2126: Behavior of Perfluoroalkyl Chemicals in Contaminated Groundwater (Principal Investigator: Christopher Higgins) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2127: Remediation of Perfluoroalkyl Chemicals in Contaminated Groundwater (Principal Investigator: Qingguo Huang) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2128: Characterization of the Fate and Biotransformation of Fluorochemicals in AFFF-Contaminated Groundwater at Fire/Crash Testing Military Sites (Principal Investigator: Jennifer Field) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2129: Secondary Impacts of In Situ Remediation on Groundwater Quality and Post-Treatment Management Strategies (Principal Investigator: Kurt Pennell) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2130: Assessing the Potential Consequences of Subsurface Bioremediation: Fe-oxide Bioreductive Processes and the Propensity for Contaminant-Colloid Co-Transport and Media Structural Breakdown (Principal Investigator: Mark Radosevich) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2131: Numerical Modeling of Post-Remediation Impacts of Anaerobic Bioremediation on Groundwater Quality (Principal Investigator: Robert Borden) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2132: Impacts on Groundwater Quality following the Application of ISCO: Understanding the Cause of and Designing Mitigation for Metals Mobilization (Principal Investigator: Kevin Gardner) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2134: A Permeable Active Amendment Concrete (PAAC) for Contaminant Remediation and Erosion Control (Principal Investigator: Anna Knox) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2135: Application of Biofilm Covered Activated Carbon Particles as a Microbial Inoculum Delivery System for Enhanced Bioaugmentation of PCBs in Contaminated Sediment (Principal Investigator: Birthe Kjellerup) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2136: Activated Biochars with Iron for In Situ Sequestration of Organics, Metals, and Carbon (Principal Investigator: Upal Ghosh) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2215: A Self-Sustaining Solar-bio-nano Based Wastewater Treatment System for Forward Operating Bases (Principal Investigator: Wei Liao) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2216: Energy Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Systems for Forward Operating Bases Based on Microbial Fuel Cells and Microbial Desalination Cells (Principal Investigator: Bruce Logan) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2217: Robust Membranes for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment by Forward Osmosis in FOBs (Principal Investigator: Menachem Elimelech) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2218: Novel Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment System for Energy Generation at Forward Operating Bases (Principal Investigator: Kathryn Guy) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2219: Characterization of Residues from the Detonation of Insensitive Munitions (Principal Investigator: Sonia Thiboutot) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2220: Dissolution of NTO, DNAN and Insensitive Munitions Formulations and Their Fates in Soils (Principal Investigator: Katerina Dontsova)
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ER-2221: Interaction of Microbial and Abiotic Processes in Soil Leading to the (Bio) Conversion and Ultimate Attenuation of New Insensitive Munitions Compounds (Principal Investigator: Jim Field) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2222: Combined Biological and Chemical Mechanisms for Degradation of Insensitive Munitions in the Presence of Alternate Explosives (Principal Investigator: Kevin Finneran) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2223: Development of Environmental Health Criteria for Insensitive Munitions (IMX-101-104) (Principal Investigator: Mark Johnson) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2237: A Fully Integrated Membrane Bioreactor System for Wastewater Treatment in Remote Applications (Principal Investigator: Amy Childress) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2238: Membrane Bioreactor/Ultra Low Energy Reverse Osmosis Membrane Process for Forward Operating Base Wastewater Reuse (Principal Investigator: Hua Wang)
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ER-2239: Wastewater Treatment Using Microbial Fuel Cells with Peroxide Production (Principal Investigator: Cesar Torres) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2300: In Situ Biodegradation of 1,4-Dioxane: Effects of Metals and Chlorinated Solvent Co-Contaminants (Principal Investigator: Shaily Mahendra) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2301: Developing and Field-Testing Genetic Catabolic Probes for Monitored Natural Attenuation of 1,4-Dioxane with a One-Year Timeframe (Principal Investigator: Pedro Alvarez) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2302: Facilitated Transport Enabled In Situ Chemical Oxidation of 1,4-Dioxane-Contaminated Groundwater (Principal Investigator: Kenneth Carroll) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2303: Evaluation of Branched Hydrocarbons as stimulants for in situ cometabolic biodegradation of 1,4-dioxane and its associated co-contaminants (Principal Investigator: Michael Hyman) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2304: Development of a Passive Flux Meter Approach to Quantifying 1-4 Dioxane Mass Flux (Principal Investigator: Michael Annable) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2305: Proof-of-Concept Study: Novel Microbially-Driven Fenton Reaction for In Situ Remediation of Groundwater Contaminated With 1,4-Dioxane, Tetrachloroethene (PCE) and Trichloroethene (TCE) (Principal Investigator: Thomas DiChristina) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2306: In Situ Bioremediation of 1,4-Dioxane by Methane Oxidizing Bacteria in Coupled Anaerobic-Aerobic Zones (Principal Investigator: Charles Schaefer) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2307: In Situ Treatment and Management Strategies for 1,4-Dioxane-Contaminated Groundwater (Principal Investigator: David Adamson) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2308: Practical Assessment and Optimization of Redox-Based Groundwater Remediation Technologies (Principal Investigator: Paul Tratnyek) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2309: Development of Field Methodology to Rapidly Detect Dehalococcoides and Dehalobacter Spp. Genes On-Site (Principal Investigator: Alison Cupples) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2310: A Practical Approach for Remediation Performance Assessment and Optimization at DNAPL Sites for Early Identification and Correction of Problems Considering Uncertainty (Principal Investigator: Jack Parker) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2311: Development of an Integrated Field Test/Modeling Protocol for Efficient In Situ Bioremediation Design and Performance Uncertainty Assessment (Principal Investigator: Linda Abriola) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2312: Advanced Environmental Molecular Diagnostics to Assess, Monitor, and Predict Microbial Activities at Complicated Chlorinated Solvent Sites (Principal Investigator: Frank Loeffler) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2313: Forecasting Effective Site Characterization and Early Remediation Performance (Principal Investigator: Michael Kavanaugh) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2338: CO2 Radiocarbon Analysis to Quantify Organic Contaminant Degradation, MNA, and Engineered Remediation Approaches (Principal Investigator: Thomas Boyd) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2341: Review and Synthesis of Evidence Regarding Environmental Risks Posed by Munitions Constituents (MC) in Aquatic Systems (Principal Investigator: Gui Lotufo) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2419: High Resolution Delineation of Contaminant Concentrations, Biogeochemical Processes, and Microbial Communities in Saturated Subsurface Environments (Principal Investigator: William Jackson) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2420: A High Resolution Passive Flux Meter Approach Based on Colorimetric Responses (Principal Investigator: Mike Annable) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2421: Investigating the Sensitivity of Emerging Geophysical Technologies to Immobile Porosity and Isolated DNAPL and Dissolved/Sorbed VOC Mass in Fractured Media (Principal Investigator: Lee Slater) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2422: Bioaugmentation with Vaults: Novel In Situ Remediation Strategy for Transformation of Perfluoroalkyl Compounds (Principal Investigator: Shaily Mahendra) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2423: In Situ Treatment Train for Remediation of Perfluoroalkyl Contaminated Groundwater: In Situ Chemical Oxidation of Sorbed Contaminants (ISCO-SC) (Principal Investigator: Michelle Crimi) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2424: Investigating Electrocatalytic and Catalytic Approaches for In Situ Treatment of Perfluoroalkyl Contaminants in Groundwater (Principal Investigator: Charles Schaefer) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2425: Development of a Novel Approach for In Situ Remediation of PFC Contaminated Groundwater Systems (Principal Investigator: Matt Simcik) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2426: Quantification of In Situ Chemical Reductive Defluorination (ISCRD) of Perfluoroalkyl Acids in Groundwater Impacted by AFFFs (Principal Investigator: Linda Lee) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2427: Understanding the Relationships Among Low Level Metal Influx, Remediated Sediments, and Biological Receptors (Principal Investigator: Anna Knox)
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ER-2428: Assessment and Management of Stormwater Impacts on Sediment Recontamination (Principal Investigator: Danny Reible)
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ER-2429: Combining Mass Balance Modeling with Passive Sampling at Contaminated Sediment Sites to Evaluate Continuing Inputs and Food Web Responses to Remedial Actions (Principal Investigator: Phil Gschwend) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2431: Quantitative Thermodynamic Exposure Assessment (Q-TEA) Supporting Resilient Contaminated Site Restoration (Principal Investigator: Todd Bridges) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2529: Estimating Mobile-Immobile Mass Transfer Parameters Using Direct Push Tools (Principal Investigator: Robert Borden) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2530: Biogeochemical Processes that Control Natural Attenuation of Trichloroethylene in Low Permeability Zone (Principal Investigator: Charles Werth) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2531: Role of Acidophilic Methanotrophs in Long Term Natural Attenuation of VOCs in Low pH Aquifers (Principal Investigator: Paul Hatzinger) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2532: Biologically Mediated Abiotic Degradation of Chlorinated Ethenes: A New Conceptual Framework (Principal Investigator: Michelle Scherer) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2533: A Field Method to Quantify Chlorinated Solvent Diffusion, Sorption, Abiotic and Biotic Degradation in Low Permeability Zones (Principal Investigator: Richelle Allen-King) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2534: NMR-Based Sensors for In Situ Monitoring of Changes in Groundwater Chemistry (Principal Investigator: Julie Konzuk)
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ER-2535: Extending the Applicability of Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis to Low Concentrations of 1,4-Dioxane (Principal Investigator: Peter Bennett) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2537: Remedy and Recontamination Assessment Array (Principal Investigator: Bart Chadwick) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2538: Development of A Passive Multisampling Method to Measure Dioxins/Furans and Other Contaminant Bioavailability in Aquatic Sediments (Principal Investigator: Rainer Lohmann) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2539: Development of an In Sutu Passive Sampler for the Detection and Remediation of Explosive Compounds (Principal Investigator: Penny Vlahos) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2540: Actively Shaken In-Situ Passive Sampler Platform for Methylmercury Organics (Principal Investigator: Upal Ghosh) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2541: Multipurpose Sediment Passive Sampler with Improved Tissue Mimicry to Measure the Bioavailable Fraction (Principal Investigator: Paul Edmiston) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2542: Optimization of Integrative Passive Sampling Approaches for Use in the Epibenthic Environment (Principal Investigator: Jason Belden) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2543: Nanofiber-Enabled, Multi-Target Passive Sampling Device for Determination of the Freely-Dissolved Sediment Pore Water Concentrations of Organic Contaminants (Principal Investigator: Andres Martinez) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2617: Measuring and Predicting the Natural and Enhanced Rate and Capacity of Abiotic Reduction of Munition Constituents (Principal Investigator: Pei Chiu) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2618: Compound Specific Isotope Analysis of Mineral-Mediated Abiotic Reduction of Nitro Compounds (Principal Investigator: William Arnold) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2619: Characterization of Enhanced Subsurface Abiotic Reactivity with Electrical Resistivity Tomography/Induced Polarization (Principal Investigator: Jim Szecsody) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2620: Emerging Core Concepts for Assessment and Enhancement of Abiotic Natural Attenuation of Groundwater Contaminants (Principal Investigator: Paul Tratnyek) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2621: Field Assessment of Abiotic Attenuation Rates using Chemical Reactivity Probes and Cryogenic Core Collection (Principal Investigator: Rick Johnson) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2622: Abiotic Transformation of Chloroethenes in Low Permeability Formations (Principal Investigator: David Freedman) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2623: Identification of Abiotic Degradation Pathways of Chlorinated Ethenes by Compound-specific Stable Isotope Analysis: A Proof-of-Concept Study (Principal Investigator: Tomasz Kuder) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2624: Development of Toxicity Reference Values (TRVs) for Birds Exposed to PFOS, PFOA, and Associated Mixtures of Fluorinated Compounds (Principal Investigator: Matt Simcik) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2625: Development of Toxicity Data to Support Toxicity Reference Values for Perfluorinated Compounds (Principal Investigator: Michael Quinn) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2626: Development of Amphibian Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances Toxicity Reference Values for use in Ecological Risk Assessment at Aqueous Film Forming Foam Sites (Principal Investigator: Maria Sepulveda) | ||||||||||||||||
ER-2627: Advancing the Understanding of the Ecological Risk of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (Principal Investigator: Christopher Salice) |