July 25-26, 2012Seattle, WA
We are pleased that you can join us for the Workshop on Research and Development Needs for Long-Term Management of Contaminated Sediments. The objective of this workshop is to summarize the state of work conducted by the Programs to date, review where DoD facilities are in their long-term management implementation, and learn directly from the Remedial Program Managers (RPMs) what specific tools, demonstration, or information transfer needs they have that will facilitate both long-term management decision making and long-term monitoring of these sites.To support the dissemination of information, this meeting will (1) examine the current state of the science and technology for the long-term management of contaminated sediment sites, (2) review the current and projected future status of DoD long-term management activities, (3) identify data gaps that, if addressed, could aid in the long-term management of contaminated sediments, and (4) prioritize research and demonstration opportunities to help facilitate regulatory and public acceptance of the long-term management of contaminated sediment sites. Participants will include RPMs currently dealing with sediment issues as well as various service and EPA representatives and select experts in the sediments field.
We look forward to seeing you in Seattle. Jeffrey A. Marqusee, Ph.D.Executive DirectorStrategic Environmental Research and Development Program and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program
Anne Andrews, Ph.D.Deputy DirectorStrategic Environmental Research and Development Program and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program
Andrea Leeson, Ph.D.Environmental Restoration Program ManagerStrategic Environmental Research and Development Program and Environmental Security Technology Certification ProgramAndrea.Leeson@osd.mil(703) 696-2118