Potomac Institute for Policy Studies901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 200 (Mezzanine Level)Arlington, VA 22203Tel: (571) 372-6565(Printable Agenda)
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2016 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0830 | Convene/Opening Remarks | |
0845 | EW-201510: Demonstration of Ice Pigging Technology to Remove Biofilms in Water Distribution Systems | Mr. Steven FannNAVFAC |
0930 | EW-201409: Rapid Deployment of Optimal Control for Building HVAC Systems using Innovative Software Tools and a Hybrid Heuristic/Model-Based Control Approach | Mr. Allan DalyBrightBox Technologies |
1015 | Break | |
1030 | EW-201405: Continuous Industrial Control System (ICS) Security Situational Awareness Tool (CISSAT) | Mr. Stephen DavisBooz Allen Hamilton |
1115 | EW-201402: Visualization of Energy Monitoring, Benchmarking, Modeling, and Project Generation through Integration of the Comprehensive Army Master Planning System (CAMPS) Dashboard with the Net Zero Installation Tool (NZI Tool) | Dr. Rumanda YoungUSACE - SWD |
1200 | Working Lunch/Closed Door | |
1300 | EW-201401: Market Aware High Performance Buildings Participating in Fast Load Response Utility Programs with a Single Open Standard Methodology | Mr. James BochIPKeys Technologies |
1345 | EW-201348: Demonstration of a High-Efficiency Evaporative Cooler for Improved Energy Efficiency in DoD Data Centers | Dr. Thomas ButcherBrookhaven National Laboratory |
1430 | Break | |
1445 | EW-201135: Coupling Geothermal Heat Pumps (GHP) with Underground Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage (USTES) | Mr. Charles (Chuck) HammockAndrews, Hammock, & Powell Inc. |
1530 | Discussion | |
1630 | Adjourn |
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0845 | EW-201342: Optimized Decision Support for Portfolio Energy Investment | Dr. Sudhakar ReddyThe Boeing Company |
0930 | EW-201341: Demonstration of Innovative, Cost Effective Micro-Cell Based Highly Concentrated Photovoltaic (HCPV) System Energy Technology with Optional Storage Capabilities on DoD Installations | Mr. Kris MinerAerojet Rocketdyne |
1015 | Break | |
1030 | EW-201346: Demonstration of the Zero Emission Distributed Generation and Storage (DGS) System | Ms. Deborah JelenElectricore |
1115 | EW-201147: Advanced Micro-Grid Energy Management Coupled with Integrated Volt/VAR Control for Improved Energy Efficiency, Energy Security, and Power Quality at DoD Installations | Dr. Herman WiegmanGE Global Research |
1200 | Working Lunch/Closed Door | |
1300 | EW-201340: Secure Automated Microgrid Energy System (SAMES) | Mr. Kevin MeagherPower Analytics |
1345 | EW-201246: Sodium-Metal-Halide Battery Energy Storage for DoD Installations | Mr. Daniel CoheePDE Total Energy Solutions |
1430 | Break | |
1445 | EW-201334: Waste Gasification System for Fixed Installation On-Site Distributed Generation | Mr. Michael HartSierra Energy |
1530 | Discussion | |
1630 | Adjourn |
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0845 | EW-201335: Real-Time Itemized Electricity Consumption Intelligence for DoD Bases | Mr. Henry ChenBelkin International, Inc. |
0930 | EW-201338: Demonstration & Testing of an EER Optimizer System for DX Air-Conditioners | Dr. Michael WestAdvantek Consulting Engineering, Inc. |
1015 | Break | |
1030 | EW-201152: Converting Constant Volume, Multizone Air Handling Systems to Energy Efficient Variable Air Volume Multizone Systems | Mr. David SchwenkERDC-CERL |
1115 | EW-201344: High Efficiency Dehumidification System | Mr. Dahtzen ChuUS Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory |
1200 | Working Lunch/Closed Door | |
1300 | EW-201512: Demonstration and Cost Analysis of a Building Retrofit using High-Performance Insulation | Mr. Tapan PatelUSACE ERDC-CERL |
1345 | Discussion | |
1445 | Adjourn |