Residence Inn - Pentagon City550 Army Navy DriveArlington, VA 22202Tel: 571-372-6565(Printable Agenda)
Tuesday - May 2, 2017 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
08:30 | SERDP/ESTCP Welcome and Updates | Dr. Kurt PrestonRC Program Manager |
08:45 | RC-2326: Restoration of Soil Microbial Function Following Degradation on Department of Defense Lands: Mediating Biological Invasions in a Global Change Context | Dr. Kristina StinsonUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst |
09:30 | RC-2328: Controls Regulating Biological Nitrogen Fixation inLongleaf Pine Ecosystems: The Role of Fire and StandDevelopment | Dr. Nina WurzburgerUniversity of Georgia |
10:15 | Break |
10:30 | RC-2327: Role of the Soil Microbial Community in Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) and Squirreltail (Elymus elymoides) Seedling Establishment in Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum)-Invaded Habitats | Dr. Paul DijkstraNorthern Arizona University |
11:15 | RC-2329: Achieving Dryland Restoration Through the Deployment of Enhanced Biocrusts to Improve Soil Stability, Fertility and Native Plant Recruitment | Dr. Nichole BargerUniversity of Colorado |
12:00 | Working Lunch - TC Meet with Resource Conservation & Resiliency Manager | |
13:00 | RC-2330: Soil Microbial Communities: Critical Roles in Control of Non-Native Invasive Species and Restoration of Ecosystem Functions | Dr. James BeverIndiana University Bloomington |
13:45 | RC-2336: Impacts of Changing Climate on Pacific Island-Based Defense Installations | Dr. Jeffrey DonnellyWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
14:30 | Break | |
14:45 | RC-2337: Behavioral Ecology of Cetaceans: The Relationship of Body Condition with Behavior and Reproductive Status | Dr. Patrick MillerUniversity of Saint Andrews |
15:30 | RC-2340: Water Resources on Guam: Potential Impacts and Adaptive Response to Climate Change for Department of Defense Installations | Dr. Stephen GingerichU.S. Geological Survey |
16:15 | RC-2434: Seed Dispersal Networks and Novel Ecosystem Functioning in Hawaii | Dr. Jeffrey FosterUniversity of New Hampshire |
17:00 | Adjourn |
Wednesday - May 3, 2017 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
08:30 | RC-2436: Improving Design Methodologies and Assessment Tools for Building on Permafrost in a Warming Climate | Mr. Kevin BjellaCold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory |
09:15 | RC-2546: Next-Generation Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Considering Spatiotemporal Non-Stationarity in Climate, Intense Precipitation Events, and Snowmelt | Dr. Mark WigmostaPacific Northwest National Laboratory |
10:00 | Break |
10:15 | RC-2441: Restoring Function to a Novel Ecosystem in the Presence of One of the World's Most Destructive Invasive Species | Dr. Haldre RogersIowa State University |
11:00 | RC-2447: Control and Mitigation of Aquatic Invasive Species in Pacific Island Streams | Dr. Michael BlumTulane University |
11:45 | Working Lunch - TC Meet with Resource Conservation & Resiliency Manager | |
12:45 | RC-2508: Conserving Listed and At-Risk Plants in a Non-Stationary World: A Predictive Framework for Assessing Risks and Guiding Management | Dr. Dov SaxBrown University |
13:30 | RC-2243: Patterns and Processes: Monitoring and Understanding Plant Diversity in Frequently Burned Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) Landscapes | Dr. Joseph O'BrienUSDA Forest Service Southern Research Station |
14:15 | Break | |
14:30 | RC-2334 (Outbrief): The Impact of Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change on Department of Defense Installations on Atolls in the Pacific Ocean | Dr. Curt StorlazziU.S. Geological Survey |
15:15 | RC-2433: Recovery of Native Plant Communities and Ecological Processes Following Removal of Non-Native, Invasive Ungulates from Pacific Island Forests | Dr. Creighton LittonUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa |
16:00 | TC Meet with Resource Conservation and Resiliency Program Manager / Strategy Session | |
17:30 | Adjourn |
Thursday - May 4, 2017 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
08:30 | RC-2634: Effects of Climate Change on Plague Exposure Pathways and Resulting Disease Dynamics | Dr. Robin RussellUSGS National Wildlife Health Center |
09:15 | RC-2640: Fundamental Measurements and Modeling of Prescribed Fire Behavior in the Naturally Heterogeneous Fuel Beds of Southern Pine Forests | Dr. David WeiseUSDA Forest Service |
10:00 | RC-2641: Multi-scale Analyses of Wildland Fire Combustion Processes in Open-canopied Forests using Coupled and Iteratively Informed Laboratory-, Field-, and Model-based Approaches | Dr. Nicholas SkowronskiUSDA Forest Service |
10:45 | Break | |
11:00 | RC-2644: Advancing Best Practices for the Analysis of the Vulnerability of Military Installations in the Pacific Basin to Coastal Flooding under a Changing Climate | Dr. John MarraNOAA National Climatic Data Center |
11:45 | RC-201667: Demonstration of Multi-Sensor Airborne Mapping Tools for Ecosystem Management at Coastal DoD Training and Testing Sites | Dr. Jennifer AyersSPAWAR Systems Center |
12:30 | Lunch | |
13:00 | TC Meet with Resource Conservation and Resiliency Program Manager (Closed Door) | |
17:00 | Adjourn |