Westin Hotel, 801 North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA
Thursday February 28, 2013 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0800 | Poster Session: ER-201031, ER-201130, ER-201131, ER-201214, ER-201215, ER-201216, ER-1744, ER-1745, ER-1746, ER-1747, ER-1750, ER-1771, ER-2122 | |
0830 | ER-201216: Sediment Bioavailability Initiative (SBI): Development of Standard Methods and Approaches for the Use of Passive Samplers in Assessment and Management of Contaminated Sediment (ESTCP) | Charles MenzieExponent |
0915 | ER-2135: Application of Biofilm Covered Activated Carbon Particles as a Microbial Inoculum Delivery System for Enhanced Bioaugmentation of PCBs in Contaminated Sediment (SERDP) | Birthe KjellerupGoucher College |
1000 | Break | |
1015 | ER-201031: Evaluation of Resuspension from Propeller Wash, Dredging and Extreme Storm Events in DoD Harbors (ESTCP) | PF WangU.S. Navy SPAWAR |
1100 | ER-201215: Evaluating the Efficacy of Bioaugmentation for In-Situ Treatment of PCB Impacted Sediments (ESTCP) | Kevin SowersUniversity of Maryland Baltimore County |
1145 | ETC and STC meet with EnvironmentalRestoration Program Manager (Closed Door) | Lunch on your ownfor PIs and Sediment Review Panel |
1215 | Poster Session: ER-201031, ER-201130, ER-201131, ER-201214, ER-201215, ER-201216, ER-1744, ER-1745, ER-1746, ER-1747, ER-1750, ER-1771, ER-2122 | |
1345 | ER-201131: Demonstration of In-Situ Treatment with Reactive Amendments for Contaminated Sediments in Active DoD Harbors (ESTCP) | Bart ChadwickU.S. Navy SPAWAR |
1415 | ER-2122: Tracking the Uptake, Translocation, Cycling, and Metabolism of Munitions Compounds in Coastal Marine Ecosystems Using Stable Isotopic Tracer (SERDP) | Craig TobiasUniversity of Connecticut |
1445 | ER-1771: Assessing Mercury & Methylmercury Bioavailability in Sediment Porewater Using Mercury-Specific Hydrogels (SERDP) | Victor MagarEnviron |
1515 | Break | |
1545 | ER-1745: Coupling between Pore Water Fluxes, Structural Heterogeneity & Biogeochemical Processes Controls Contaminant Mobility, Bioavailability, & Toxicity in Sediments (SERDP) | Aaron PackmanNorthwestern University |
1615 | ER-1746: Predicting the Fate and Effects of Resuspended Metal Contaminated Sediments (SERDP) | Allen BurtonUniversity of Michigan |
1645 | ER-1747: Robust Means for Estimating Black Carbon-Water Sorption Coefficients of Organic Contaminants in Sediments (SERDP) | Phil GschwendMIT |
1715 | Closing Remarks & Adjourn |
Friday, March 1, 2013 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
0900 | Sediment Review Panel Discussion (Closed Door) | |
1200 | Adjourn |