The Call for Poster Abstracts for the 2011 Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium & Workshop is now open. Those wishing to present a poster in the Exhibit Hall must submit an abstract no later than July 29 using the online submission form. Abstracts should address technical accomplishments as well as scientific and engineering aspects of the project or technology. Abstracts with a commercial or sales slant will be rejected.
The selection of posters will be complete in early September. Candidates who submit abstracts will be notified of their status by September 15. Abstracts selected for a poster presentation will be posted on this site. They will also be included in the electronic Program Guide. With this in mind, please make sure to have your abstract cleared for public release if necessary BEFORE submitting it for consideration.
Posters will be divided into two sessions – one on Tuesday, November 29, and one on Wednesday, November 30. Each day will provide attendees several poster viewing opportunities. If your abstract is selected for a poster presentation, you are expected to arrange for at least one person to staff the poster on your assigned day during all published exhibit hall hours. The Symposium exhibit schedule is designed so as not to conflict with other Symposium events, thereby allowing poster personnel to attend the Plenary Session, technical sessions, and short courses.
A few weeks prior to the Symposium, attendees are encouraged to revisit this web page to preview the abstracts of the posters that will be on display. An Exhibit Hall floor plan will also be provided should you wish to map out specific posters of interest that you would like to visit. These resources will be available for reference onsite as well.
Exhibitors at this event will represent funding and partnering opportunities or information resources. Visit Exhibit Booths for more information.
If you have questions about the Symposium, please e-mail orcall the Symposium contact line at 703-736-4548.