April 25-26, 2001 Long Beach, California
To view presentations please download the archive below:
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0800-0845 | Registration (Continental breakfast available)(Registration fee is $50.00, payable by check made out to Geo-Centers, Inc. or in cash) |
0845 | Convene Meeting |
0845-0855 | Introductory Remarks, meeting logistics | Sartwell |
0855-0905 | Overview of HCAT Program | Sartwell |
0905-0925 | Overview of materials testing related to fatigue and coating delamination (including summaries of meetings to define stress levels on landing gear) | Sartwell |
0925-1000 | Results on recent fatigue and coating spallation testing (including fatigue testing from propeller hub project), and residual stress measurements | J. Sauer |
1000-1020 | Flexure fatigue testing on two A-10 NLG cylinders | Edwards |
1020-1035 | Break |
1035-1055 | C-HCAT fatigue/coating integrity testing | Dyer |
1055-1115 | Large sample coating integrity testing | E. Lee, Bretz |
1115-1150 | HVOF coating process development at NRC Canada, Hill AFB, and Engelhard | Legoux, J. Sauer, Schell |
1150-1205 | Overview of additional planned fatigue/coating integrity work | Legg |
1205-1315 | Lunch (on your own) |
1315-1335 | HVOF coatings characterization and NDI efforts at AFRL | Kolek |
1335-1345 | Coating characterization studies on DJ coatings sprayed with methane | Legoux |
1345-1415 | Technical discussions related to operational requirements for HVOF coatings, results presented and future plans | Sartwell, Legg(facilitators) |
1415-1430 | Additional corrosion testing for landing gear program | Sartwell |
1430-1450 | Analysis of landing gear wear data | Schell |
1450-1510 | C-HCAT wear testing results | Robertson |
1510-1525 | Break |
1525-1540 | Results of whackometry testing | Legg |
1540-1555 | Results on first phase of F-18 E/F nose landing gear rig test | Dabrowski |
1555-1610 | HVOF coatings testing at BF Goodrich | Panza-Giosa |
1610-1625 | Heroux producibility evaluations – progress & schedules | Ben Salah |
1625-1640 | Plans for HVOF coating evaluation on C17 landing gear | Gilman |
1640 | Adjourn for day |
Start | Subject | Name | Organization |
0800-0830 | Continental breakfast in meeting room |
0830-0850 | Results of materials testing and plans for rig testing in propeller hub project | J. Sauer |
0850-0910 | Overview of hydraulic actuator project and Air Force plans for specific actuator qualification | Jeunelot |
0910-0925 | Results from NAVAIR meeting on actuators and plans | Hartle, E. Lee |
0925-0940 | Break |
0940-1000 | Revised actuator joint test protocol and plans for functional rod/seal testing | Jang |
1000-1015 | Overview of helicopter dynamic component project and visit to Sikorsky | Sartwell |
1015-1030 | Previous Sikorsky experience on qualifying HVOF and D-gun coatings | Bartalotta |
| Note: At 1030 there will be an opportunity for a limited number of persons to drive to Boeing Long Beach and take a brief tour of their facility. Return to the hotel would be no later than 1230. A count will be taken on Wednesday morning on number of persons interested |
1030-1050 | Gas turbine engine project overview | Alford, Sartwell |
1050-1130 | Commercial organizations presentationsRotating End Effector (RotaDJ)Spray gun manipulator development | PollackThorpe |
1130-1245 | Lunch (on your own) |
1245-1305 | Report on NADEP Jacksonville activities and report on status of AMEC specifications | Devereaux |
1305-1325 | Report on NADEP Cherry Point activities | C. Sauer |
1325-1345 | Report on Ogden ALC activities | Cheever |
1345-1400 | Status on Air Force Non-Line-Of-Sight Project | Kolek |
1400-1420 | SERDP project on NLOS plasma spraying | Legg |
1420-1440 | SERDP project on NLOS electrospark deposition | Johnson |
1440-1455 | Break |
1455-1515 | SERDP project on NLOS electrodeposited nanocrystalline coatings | Psaila-Dombrowski |
1515-1530 | Proposed project on electrospark deposition for line-of sight chrome and brush plating replacement, and field repair of components | Sartwell |
1530-1545 | Data integration and web site | Legg |
1545-1615 | Final discussions and wrap-up |
1615 | Adjourn meeting |