Mosaic technology enables efficient and accurate mapping and monitoring of coral reefs.
Coral reefs are threatened and in decline across the globe. To monitor the health of a reef and assess impacts and recovery, DoD needs an accurate depiction of large areas of the reef to compare its condition over long periods of time. In the past, divers would be sent down to characterize a reef’s condition, but that approach was costly and inefficient and did not provide a consistent historical record or quantitative assessment.
Dr. Reid and her research team have developed a technology in which remotely operated underwater video is used to create two-dimensional spatially accurate reef mosaics. These mosaics can serve as a tool for monitoring disease, injury, bleaching, and mortality—important indicators of reef health. “This innovative technology increases the speed and repeatability with which reef plots can be mapped and inventoried,” said Dr. Jeffrey Marqusee, SERDP and ESTCP Director.
For this work, Dr. Reid received a Project-of-the-Year Award at the annual Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium & Workshop held December 1-3, 2009, in Washington, D.C.
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