Environmental Restoration (ER) Program Area

The objective of this Statement of Need (SON) was to develop analytical methods to provide repeatable and environmentally relevant measures of total per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in PFAS-free firefighting formulations to demonstrate that they do not contain PFAS at concentrations above 1 part per billion (ppb). The focus of this work should be for total PFAS in firefighting formulations that are compliant with draft military specification (MIL-SPEC) MIL-PRF-XX727 Performance Specification for Fire Extinguishing Agent, Fluorine-Free Foam (F3) Liquid Concentrate, for Land-Based, Fresh Water Application. Candidate formulations will be supplied by SERDP. Specific research needs include:

  • Developing robust sample preparation procedures that are implementable in a production laboratory environment.
  • Developing methods for accounting for or eliminating inorganic fluorine from total PFAS quantitation.
  • Developing methods to reduce the impact of other constituents on total PFAS quantitation.
  • Minimizing the potential for exclusion of PFAS, such as short-chain PFAS, from total PFAS quantitation.
  • Validating the method in accordance with a validation study plan consisting of all elements require by the Department of Defense (DoD) Quality Systems Manual (DoD QSM) (latest version at the time of research initiation).
  • Documenting the method in a format that is compatible with DoD QSM requirements and allows for easy implementation by production laboratories.

The projects listed below were selected to address the objectives of this SON.

  • Method to Measure PFAS in MIL-SPEC Firefighting Formulations by Extraction Using Osorb and Advanced Sorbents with Organofluorine Analysis
    • Lead Investigator:  Paul Edmiston, College of Wooster
  • Development of Two New Total Organic Fluorine Methods to Determine Total PFAS in PFAS-Free Firefighting Formulations at Trace Levels
    • Lead Investigator:  Susan Richardson, University of South Carolina
  • Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of PFAS in Firefighting Formulations
    • Lead Investigator:  Haoran Wei, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Coupling Foam Fractionation with High-Resolution Molecular Absorption Spectrometry Graphite Furnace to Quantify Total PFAS in PFAS-Free Firefighting Formulations
    • Lead Investigator: Youn Jeong Choi, Purdue University
  • A Standard Operating Procedure to Quantify Total PFAS in PFAS-Free Firefighting Formulations
    • Lead Investigator: Kyle Doudrick, University of Notre Dame

Addressing the research needs described above will permit analysis of firefighting formulations to demonstrate compliance with future revisions of draft MIL-PRF-XX727.