Tuesday, September 14, 2010 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
8:30 a.m. | Convene/Opening Remarks | |
8:35 a.m. | Ethics Presentation by the Office of the General Counselfor the Department of Defense | Mr. Jeff GreenSenior AttorneyStandards of ConductOffice of the General Counsel |
9:05 a.m. | Approval of June 2010 Minutes | Dr. Ellen Mihaich Chair |
9:10 a.m. | Program Update | Dr. Jeffrey MarquseeExecutive Director |
9:30 a.m. | Resource Conservation and Climate Change Overview | Dr. John HallResource Conservation and Climate ChangeProgram Manager |
9:40 a.m. | 11 SI01-008 (RC-2109): Identifying Indicators of State Change andForecasting Future Vulnerability in Alaskan Boreal Ecosystems(FY11 New Start) | Dr. Edward SchuurUniversity of FloridaGainesville, FL |
10:25a.m. | Break | |
10:40 a.m. | 11 SI01-016 (RC-2110): Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change on U.S.Army Alaska with Decision Support Tools Developed Through Field Workand Modeling (FY11 New Start) | Dr. Thomas DouglasERDC-Cold Regions Research andEngineering LaboratoryFort Wainwright, AK |
11:25 a.m. | 11 SI01-019 (RC-2111): Improved Understanding of Permafrost Controls onHydrology in Interior Alaska by Integration of Ground-based GeophysicalPermafrost Characterization and Numerical Modeling (FY11 New Start) | Dr. Michelle WalvoordU.S. Geological SurveyLakewood, CO |
12:10 p.m. | Lunch | |
1:10 p.m. | Resource Conservation and Climate Change Overview | Dr. John HallResource Conservation and Climate ChangeProgram Manager |
1:20 p.m. | 11 SI04-016 (RC-2120): Sources and Sinks: Elucidating Mechanisms,Documenting Patterns, and Forecasting Impacts (FY11 New Start) | Dr. Joshua LawlerUniversity of WashingtonSeattle, WA |
2:05 p.m. | 11 SI04-044 (RC-2121): Using a Hierarchical Approach to Model RegionalSource-Sink Dynamics for Neotropical-Nearctic Songbirds to InformManagement Practices on Department of Defense Installations. (FY11 NewStart) | Dr. Peter MarraSmithsonian Migratory Bird CenterNational ZooWashington, DC |
2:50 p.m. | Break | |
3:05 p.m. | 11 SI04-014 (RC-2119): Endangered butterflies as a model system formanaging source-sink dynamics on Department of Defense lands (FY11 NewStart) | Dr. Elizabeth CroneUniversity of MontanaMissoula, MT |
3:50 p.m. | Strategy Session SAB Members | |
5:00 p.m. | Public Discussion / Adjourn for the day |
Tuesday, September 14, 2010 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
9:00 a.m. | Convene/Opening RemarksApproval of the June 2010 Minutes | Dr. Ellen Mihaich Chair |
9:05 a.m. | Environmental Restoration Overview | Dr. Andrea Leeson Environmental Restoration Program ManagerPresentation |
9:10 a.m. | 11 ER01-008 (ER-2122): Tracking the Uptake, Translocation, Cycling, and Metabolism of Munitions Compounds in Coastal Marine Ecosystems Using Stable Isotopic Trace (FY11 New Start) | Dr. Craig TobiasUniversity of Connecticut Groton, CT |
9:55 a.m. | 11 ER01-017 (ER-2125): Ecological Risk Assessment of Munitions Compounds on Coral and Coral Reef Health (FY11 New Start) | Dr. Cheryl Woodley NOAA National Ocean Service Charleston, SC |
10:40 a.m. | Break | |
10:55 a.m. | Environmental Restoration Overview | Dr. Andrea LeesonEnvironmental Restoration Program Manager |
11:00 a.m. | 11 ER02-023 (ER-2126): Behavior of Perfluoroalkyl Chemicals in Contaminated Groundwater (FY11 New Start) | Dr. Christopher Higgins Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO |
11:45 a.m. | 11 ER02-025 (ER-2128): Characterization of the Fate and Biotransformation of Fluorochemicals in AFFF-Contaminated Groundwater at Fire/Crash Testing Military Sites (FY11 New Start) | Dr. Jennifer FieldOregon State University Corvallis, ORPresentation |
12:30 p.m. | Lunch | |
1:30 p.m. | Weapons Systems and Platforms Overview | Mr. Bruce Sartwell Weapons Systems and Platforms Program ManagerPresentation |
1:40 p.m. | 11 WP04-022 (WP-2145): The Science of Emissions from Alternative Fuels (FY11 New Start) | Dr. William RoquemoreAir Force ResearchLaboratory Propulsion Directorate Wright-Patterson AFB, OHPresentation |
2:25 p.m. | 11 WP03-014 (WP-2144): Understanding Corrosion Protection Requirements for Adhesive Bond Primers (FY11 New Start) | Ms. Diane Kleinschmidt Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division Patuxent River, MDPresentation |
3:10 p.m. | Break | |
3:25 p.m. | 11 WP05-006 (WP-2146): High Speed, Substrate Low Observable Coating Laser Stripping (FY11 New Start) | Mr. Gary Wright AFRL/RXSC Wright-Patterson AFB, OHPresentation |
4:10 p.m. | 11 WP06-002 (WP-2147): Self-Remediating Energetic Fills Based on Cyclic Dinitroureas (FY11 New Start) | Ms. Roxanne Quintana Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division China Lake, CAPresentation |
4:55 p.m. | Public Discussion/Adjourn for the day |
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
9:00 a.m. | Convene/Opening RemarksApproval of the June 2010 Minutes | Dr. Ellen Mihaich Chair |
9:05 a.m. | Environmental Restoration Overview | Dr. Andrea Leeson Environmental Restoration Program ManagerPresentation |
9:10 a.m. | 11 ER01-008 (ER-2122): Tracking the Uptake, Translocation, Cycling, and Metabolism of Munitions Compounds in Coastal Marine Ecosystems Using Stable Isotopic Trace (FY11 New Start) | Dr. Craig TobiasUniversity of Connecticut Groton, CT |
9:55 a.m. | 11 ER01-017 (ER-2125): Ecological Risk Assessment of Munitions Compounds on Coral and Coral Reef Health (FY11 New Start) | Dr. Cheryl Woodley NOAA National Ocean Service Charleston, SC |
10:40 a.m. | Break | |
10:55 a.m. | Environmental Restoration Overview | Dr. Andrea LeesonEnvironmental Restoration Program Manager |
11:00 a.m. | 11 ER02-023 (ER-2126): Behavior of Perfluoroalkyl Chemicals in Contaminated Groundwater (FY11 New Start) | Dr. Christopher Higgins Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO |
11:45 a.m. | 11 ER02-025 (ER-2128): Characterization of the Fate and Biotransformation of Fluorochemicals in AFFF-Contaminated Groundwater at Fire/Crash Testing Military Sites (FY11 New Start) | Dr. Jennifer FieldOregon State University Corvallis, ORPresentation |
12:30 p.m. | Lunch | |
1:30 p.m. | Weapons Systems and Platforms Overview | Mr. Bruce Sartwell Weapons Systems and Platforms Program ManagerPresentation |
1:40 p.m. | 11 WP04-022 (WP-2145): The Science of Emissions from Alternative Fuels (FY11 New Start) | Dr. William RoquemoreAir Force ResearchLaboratory Propulsion Directorate Wright-Patterson AFB, OHPresentation |
2:25 p.m. | 11 WP03-014 (WP-2144): Understanding Corrosion Protection Requirements for Adhesive Bond Primers (FY11 New Start) | Ms. Diane Kleinschmidt Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division Patuxent River, MDPresentation |
3:10 p.m. | Break | |
3:25 p.m. | 11 WP05-006 (WP-2146): High Speed, Substrate Low Observable Coating Laser Stripping (FY11 New Start) | Mr. Gary Wright AFRL/RXSC Wright-Patterson AFB, OHPresentation |
4:10 p.m. | 11 WP06-002 (WP-2147): Self-Remediating Energetic Fills Based on Cyclic Dinitroureas (FY11 New Start) | Ms. Roxanne Quintana Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division China Lake, CAPresentation |
4:55 p.m. | Public Discussion/Adjourn for the day |
Thursday, September 16, 2010 | ||
Time | Topic/Title | Speaker |
8:30 a.m. | Convene/Opening Remarks | Dr. Ellen Mihaich Chair |
8:35 a.m. | Munitions Response Overview | Dr. Herbert Nelson Munitions Response Program ManagerPresentation |
8:40 a.m. | 11 MM02-016 (MR-2103): Structural Acoustic UXO Detection and Identification in Marine Environments (FY11 New Start) | Dr. Brian HoustonNaval Research Laboratory Washington, D.C.Presentation |
9:25 a.m. | 11 MM02-019 (MR-2104): Real-Time Hand-Held Magnetometer Array (FY11 New Start) | Dr. Mark Prouty Geometrics, Inc. San Jose, CAPresentation |
10:10 a.m. | Break | |
10:25 a.m. | 11 MM01-003 (MR-2100): Tensor Invariant Processing for Munitions/Clutter Classification (FY11 New Start) | Dr. Thomas Bell Science Applications International Corporation Arlington, VA PresentationsPresentation |
11:10 a.m. | Public Discussion/Adjourn |