Workshop - Underwater UXO Standardized Demonstration Sites (Test Beds) November 29th, Washington D.C.
On November 29th 2018, during the 2018 SERDP & ESTCP Symposium, fifty members of the Munitions Response community gathered at the Washington Hilton for this Underwater UXO Standardized Demonstration Sites workshop. The objectives of this workshop were to establish the requirements, framework, protocols, responsibilities, and time lines for development of a series of test beds used to test, evaluate, and demonstrate acoustic, magnetic, EMI, and optical systems designed to detect and classify underwater UXO. Potential systems include various combinations of commercially available sensors and platforms, systems developed for mine hunting (MCM) for the Navy, modifications of EMI and magnetic systems developed for terrestrial UXO remediation, and purpose-built systems developed with SERDP/ESTCP funding. Detailed information on the division of responsibilities among demonstration site managers, remediation system developers, and the ESTCP Program Office related to the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and use of underwater test beds can be found in the Workshop Report.
Workshop - Acoustic Detection and Classification of Munitions in the Underwater EnvironmentAugust 22-23, 2017, Reston, Virginia
The Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and Noblis Inc. hosted an underwater acoustic workshop on 22-23 August 2017 at the Noblis facility in Reston, Virginia. The purpose of the workshop was to evaluate the progress made in development of acoustic techniques to detect and classify munitions in the underwater environment and to outline a path for future research. The workshop brought together phenomenology, sensor, and munitions response specialists. The first goal was to review the current state-of-the-art in acoustic technologies for munitions response. Next, to examine state-of-the-art and emerging technologies in the context of what constitutes a successful underwater munitions response survey, as discussed in [3]. Finally, considering current capabilities and gaps, technology thrusts and Munitions Response (MR) requirements, identify R&D needs in development of acoustic sensors, platforms, and concepts of employment that will lead to the wide- area mapping and remediation of underwater sites contaminated with military munitions.
Discussion topics included: projecting future advances in technologies, as well as capability gaps that may still not be addressed; identifying environmental limitations for underwater sensors; identifying mixed modality and system-of-systems approaches to munitions mapping; predicting future operator needs. Together these discussions were aimed at laying the groundwork for determining performance and cost projections that will assist in establishing the "knee" in the performance vs. cost curve. A summary of background information, technological progress, and workshop discussions can be found in the Workshop Report.
ESTCP/NAOC Technology Transfer WorkshopJune 10-11, 2015, Golden, Colorado
The Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) and the National Association of Ordnance Contractors (NAOC) hosted a Technology Transfer Workshop from June 10-11, 2015 in Golden, Colorado to present sensors and analysis methods developed by SERDP and ESTCP for classification applied to munitions response. Nearly 190 technology developers, contractors, regulators, and government project managers attended this event. The workshop featured presentations that focused on government and industry perspectives regarding the use of classification for munitions response, as well as specific developments from the research program and their application to production projects followed by a panel discussion on technology transfer. Live field demonstrations of MetalMapper, TEMTADS 2X2, TEM-8G, Man-Portable Vector (MPV), and One Pass EM Towed Array for Detection/Discrimination (OPTEMA) were showcased during an outdoor session. The workshop closed with concurrent tutorial sessions on the Geosoft UX-Analyze module updated workflow; GCMR-QAPP template overview and application; and, Visual Sample Plan (VSP) for program managers and regulators.
Workshop - Burial and Mobility Modeling of Munitions in the Underwater EnvironmentJune 30 - July 1, 2014, Arlington, Virginia
SERDP hosted an informal workshop on the burial and mobility modeling of munitions in the underwater environment. The purpose of the workshop was to enable SERDP project teams to:
- Hear from DoD munitions response managers about the day-to-day issues they face
- Collaboratively share research progress with peers
- Identify needs for integration of observations and modeling efforts
- Define a pathway forward
- Clearly state the product expected to culminate from all relevant project efforts.
The lead Principal Investigator (PI) for each SERDP project in attendance at the workshop provided an overview of their work. Three presentations focused on burial and mobility modeling and three presentations focused on field and laboratory measurements. The breakout discussion utilized a series of questions provided by the coordinating committee. The 15 attendees represented 10 institutions including universities, research institutes, and the military Services. Results and discussion from the workshop, as well as topics recommended for future research, can be found in the Workshop Report.
Workshop on Acoustic Detection and Classification of UXO in the Underwater EnvironmentJuly 16-17, 2013, Arlington, Virginia
The goals of this joint SERDP/Office of Naval Research workshop were to assess the present status of acoustic detection and classification efforts and to develop a roadmap for the continued evolution of acoustic sensors and systems for munitions response at underwater sites. Program managers, research scientists, system developers, and remediation managers from 20 institutions and six countries attended the workshop. Proceedings included a review of UXO remediation and mine clearance work supported by SERDP, ESTCP, and ONR; a summary of the highly successful SERDP/ESTCP land-based remediation program, as well as briefs on the Munitions Response underwater research program and ONR’s mine detection and classification programs. This workshop also featured presentations on the inventory of underwater UXO remediation sites, a description of the UXO munitions response program, a review the science and technology of high- and low-frequency acoustic detection and classification, research needs, and future possibilities. Breakout groups worked together to develop perspectives on the current state of underwater UXO research, directions for the future, and future system requirements. Technology descriptions, discussions, and recommendations going forward can be found in the Workshop Report.
ESTCP Technology Transfer WorkshopJune 6-7, 2012, Denver, Colorado
ESTCP hosted a workshop to promote transfer of emerging munitions response technologies to the user community. Over 200 technology developers, contractors, regulators, and government project managers attended this event, which showcased rapidly maturing munitions detection, classification, and characterization technologies.
The workshop featured a technology overview session with presenters providing industry and regulatory perspectives on munitions response, the status of implementing advanced sensors and classification methods, and a summary of the current munitions response underwater technologies. A session highlighted implementation results from the ESTCP Classification Pilot Program and included a panel discussion on technology transfer.
During an outdoor session at the Denver Federal Center, participants had the opportunity to tour seven stations at which technology developers demonstrated a variety of cart-based and handheld platforms using electromagnetic induction (EMI). Classroom tutorials were offered on two software products developed to facilitate munitions response projects along with a tutorial in the field on the operation of a next generation sensor.
SERDP/ESTCP/NAOC Technology Transfer WorkshopJuly 16-17, 2008, Denver, Colorado
SERDP, ESTCP, and the National Association of Ordnance Contractors (NAOC) hosted a workshop to promote transfer of emerging munitions response technologies to the user community. Nearly 140 technology developers, contractors, regulators, and government project managers attended this event, which showcased rapidly maturing munitions detection, classification, and characterization technologies. The workshop featured a series of platform presentations on next generation sensors, the future of munitions response technologies, and successful applications of maturing munitions detection and classification technologies. During an outdoor session at the Denver Federal Center, participants had the opportunity to tour 10 stations at which technology developers demonstrated a variety of cart-based and handheld platforms using electromagnetic induction (EMI) and magnetic sensors along with a filler identification system based on acoustic technology. Classroom tutorials were offered on four software products developed to facilitate munitions response projects. The workshop closed with a panel discussion on barriers to transitioning emerging technologies to the field, mature technologies ready for operational applications, potential cost savings of advanced munitions detection and classification technologies, and gaps in technology that still need to be addressed.
Workshop on Technology Needs for the Characterization, Management, and Remediation of Military Munitions in Underwater EnvironmentsJuly 31-August 1, 2007, San Diego, California
As a result of past military training and weapons testing activities, munitions are present at thousands of current and former DoD sites encompassing millions of acres. Many active and former military installations have ranges and training areas that include adjacent water environments such as ponds, lakes, rivers, estuaries, and coastal ocean areas. SERDP and ESTCP sponsored a workshop to allow government managers and investigators to explore ongoing work in related fields that may be applicable to underwater munitions sites, as well as to identify gaps in understanding that must be addressed by future research. The goals of the workshop were to establish guidance for DoD’s future investments by identifying gaps in capabilities that could be addressed through integration and demonstration of systems based on existing technologies and gaps in understanding that must be addressed by basic and applied research in phenomenology, sensor development, signal processing, and supporting technologies. Technology-specific research and demonstrations are described in the Workshop Report.
SERDP/ESTCP/NAOC Technology Transfer WorkshopJuly 20-21, 2005, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
SERDP, ESTCP, and the National Association of Ordnance Contractors (NAOC) hosted a workshop to promote transfer of emerging UXO detection and discrimination technologies to the user community. Case studies of technology applications in the field highlighted handheld, vehicular, and airborne system successes as well as data processing and software tool achievements. Nearly 150 attendees toured eight outdoor demonstration stations displaying man-portable, vehicular, and airborne platforms with various configurations of electromagnetic induction (EMI) and magnetic sensors, as well as navigation systems that support UXO detection and discrimination. Participants also toured the shallow water Standardized Test Site at APG and observed a demonstration of a promising marine UXO detection system. Indoors, attendees viewed demonstrations of software that discriminates UXO from non-UXO items and project management tools and heard technical presentations on innovative UXO detection sensors and remediation systems. The workshop culminated with a panel discussion by representatives from the Navy, Army, U.S. EPA, Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment, SERDP/ESTCP, and NAOC.