December 6-8, 2016 Orlando, FL
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Day 1 - Tuesday, December 6, 2016 |
7:30 AM |
Registration, Check In, & Breakfast |
Session 1 |
Aerospace and Defense Needs and Approaches |
8:30 AM |
Welcome, Introduction, and Project of the Year Announcements |
Robin Nissan |
8:45 AM |
Keynote - Report of ESTCP Initiative on Strategy for Cd and Cr6+ Replacement in Depots |
Scot Bryant |
Noblis |
9:15 AM |
U.S. Air Force Big Rocks Initiatives |
Debbie Naguy |
9:45 AM |
U.S. Army Toxic Metal Reduction Program: EliminatingCr6+ and Cd in Army Surface Finishing |
Erik HangelandNoah Lieb |
U.S. Army RDECOMJensen Hughes |
10:05 AM |
Pollution Prevention Projects Review |
David Blair |
10:25 AM |
Fleet Readiness Center Hazardous Materials ReductionInitiative |
Jack Benfer |
10:45 AM |
Break |
Session 2 |
Hard Chrome and Other Wear Coatings |
11:05 AM |
Cold Spray for Hard Chrome Replacement |
Vic Champagne |
11:25 AM |
Path Forward of nCoP as a Hard Chrome PlatingAlternative for DoD Acquisition Programs |
Jack Benfer |
11:45 AM |
nCo-P Composite Coating |
Jon McCreaGlen Slater |
IntegranCirrus Technology |
12:00 PM |
Trivalent Hard Chromium Technology Status 2017 |
Brad Durkin |
Coventya |
12:30 PM |
Lunch |
Session 3 |
Cadmium and Chromate Replacement at Depots and Original Equipment Manufacturers |
1:30 PM |
LHE ZnNi for Cd Replacement at Hill AFB - Atmospheric and Flight Testing |
Dave FrederickCraig Pessetto |
2:00 PM |
ZnNi on Landing gear - A User Perspective |
Ron Montgomery |
2:20 PM |
LHE ZnNi for Cd Replacement at Jacksonville Navy Aviation Depot |
Jay RandolphJack Benfer |
2:40 PM |
Break |
3:00 PM |
U.S. Army Cd and Cr6+ Elimination by 2025 |
Mark Feathers |
3:20 PM |
Dem-val of high performance CPCs for interiors |
Scott Fetter |
Lockheed Martin |
3:40 PM |
Evaluation of different candidates for Cd replacement on Mil Aero connector market |
Gerald Tredan |
Radiall |
4:00 PM |
Cadmium Alternatives for Electrical connectors |
Rich Misiaszek, Jordan Ford |
Raytheon, Tuskegee University |
4:20 PM |
Low Impedance Passivates for Electrical Connectors |
Matt O'Keefe |
Missouri University of Sci. & Tech. |
4:40 PM |
Adjourn |
~6:30-TBD PM |
Evening Side Meetings
Day 2 - Wednesday, December 7, 2016 |
8:00 AM |
Registration & Check In |
Session 4 |
Light Materials |
8:15 AM |
Chromate-Free Surface Pre-Treatments for Aluminum Alloys |
Martin Beneke |
Airbus |
8:35 AM |
Hexavalent Chromium Alternatives: Corrosion Resistant Sol Gels and Cr3+ Conversion and Sealing after Anodizing with Post Treatment |
Juliana Garcia |
Socomore |
8:55 AM |
NanoCobalt – CuBe Alternative Bushings |
Alan GrieveJon McCrea |
NAWCADIntegran |
9:15 AM |
Break |
9:35 AM |
Environmentally Friendly ZrO2 Pretreatment for Steel and Aluminum |
Fred LaffermanPaul Robinson |
9:55 AM |
Replacement of Chromic Acid Anodizing and Chromated Sealer at Safran |
Kirk Bucknor |
Safran LandingSystems |
10:15 AM |
Hexavalent Chromium-Free Coatings for Electronics |
Kurt Kessel |
ITB Inc. |
Session 5 |
Localized Repair |
10:55 AM |
Non-Drip Brush ZnNi for Touch-up for Localized Repairs |
Randy Straw |
11:15 AM |
Combining Tagnite with Cold Spray |
Chris HoweBill Elmquist |
MOOG, Inc.Tech. ApplicationGroup (TAG) |
11:35 AM |
Establishment of a Tagnite Line for OverhaulingMagnesium Components at CCAD |
Kyu Cho |
Session 6 |
Accelerated Corrosion Testing |
11:55 AM |
Advanced Environmental Severity Index |
Doug Dudis |
12:30 PM |
Lunch |
1:30 PM |
Developing an Accelerated Dynamic Test Method |
James Dante |
Southwest ResearchInstitute |
1:50 PM |
Reducing Test Bias in Evaluating REACH-Compliant Paint Systems |
Nihad Ben Salah |
Safran Tech |
2:10 PM |
Break |
Session 7 |
Specialized Painting, Stripping and Contamination Control |
2:30 PM |
Dust Minimization During Paint Sanding |
Brad Ferguson |
Nederman, LLC |
2:50 PM |
Inhibispheres™: Green-Inhibitor Loaded Micro-Spheres as an Alternative to Chromates |
Elisa Campazzi |
Airbus |
3:10 PM |
Low pressure cold spray systems for corrosion protection |
Mark Jaworowski |
3:30 PM |
Laser Surface Cleaning |
Rick Osterman |
4:00 PM |
Poster Session and Networking Reception |
5:00 PM |
eCoat Demonstration (Magnolia Patio) |
Robin Peffer |
PPG Industries |
7:00 PM |
Adjourn |
Day 3 - Thursday, December 8, 2016 |
8:00 AM |
Registration & Check In |
Session 8 |
Non-Chromate Paint Systems |
8:15 AM |
NAVAIR Non-Chrome Primers |
Brenna Skelley |
8:30 AM |
Aluminum-Rich Primers |
Craig Matzdorf |
8:50 AM |
Advanced Topcoat System for Navy and Marine CorpsAircraft and Ground Vehicles |
Craig Matzdorf |
9:10 AM |
Electrocoat Process for Non-chromate Primers in DoDManufacturing |
Bill Hoogsteden |
9:30 AM |
Low Solar Absorbing Pigment Topcoats and TT-C-490 update |
John EscarsegaThomas Considine |
9:55 AM |
Break |
10:15 AM |
Securing the Availability of Green, Enhanced Coatings (SAGE-Coat) for U.S. Army Applications |
Erik HangelandPatrick Taylor |
U.S. Army RDECOMJensen Hughes |
10:35 AM |
Wipe Reactivation of Aged Primer |
William Betush |
Lockheed Martin |
10:55 AM |
Isocyanate-Free Polysiloxane Topcoats for Aircraft and Ground Support Equipment |
Erick Iezzi |
11:15 AM |
Do Chromates Improve Adhesive Bond Primers? |
DianeKleinschmidt |
11:35 AM |
TEERM Project Chrome-Free Bond Primers |
Dayna Lamb |
Raytheon |
11:55 AM |
Side Meeting Reports |
John La ScalaScot BryantKeith Legg |
ARLNoblisASETSDefense |
12:55 PM |
Afternoon Side Meeting