SERDP FY 2026 New Start Projects
Environmental Restoration (ER) Program Area
The objective of this Statement of Need (SON) was to develop a real-time sensor for detecting and quantifying per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in environmental media without extensive sample preparation. Specifically, the goal was to address the following research needs:
- Develop a sensor to quantify PFAS in water below U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) or in soil below Regional Screening Levels (RSLs).
- Develop a sensor to quantify total PFAS or total organic fluorine in either water or soil matrices.
The following factors were to be considered during sensor development and assessment:
- Evaluation of relevant environmental factors that affect sensor sensitivity and specificity must be included, such as geochemistry, temperature, organic matter, soil properties, presence of co-occurring chemicals.
- Evaluation under a range of realistic environmental conditions including site concentrations.
- Evaluation of representativeness of sample results and method robustness.
- Evaluation of measurement uncertainties.
- Validation of sensor results against EPA Method 1633 and a total fluorine method such as EPA Method 1621 (if applicable).
The selection of projects that will be funded to address this SON will be complete in Fall 2025.
Research should provide a real-time PFAS sensor that will allow for more time- and cost-efficient site investigations and remediation by reducing analytical costs and improving laboratory turnaround times. Such information will ultimately lead to improved management of PFAS in the environment.