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Projects Listed Chronologically by Number | ||||||||||||||
RC-200611: Streamlined Archaeo-Geophysical Data Processing and Integration for DoD Field Use (Principal Investigator: Dr. Michael Hargrave) | ||||||||||||||
RC-200720: Integrating Predictive Modeling in DoD Cultural Resource Compliance (Principal Investigator: Dr. Paul Green) | ||||||||||||||
RC-200815: Vehicle Dynamics Monitoring and Tracking System (VDMTS): Monitoring Mission Impacts in Support of Installation Land Management (Principal Investigator: Mr. Daniel Koch) | ||||||||||||||
RC-200817: Continuous, Wireless Monitoring of Sediment Flux at Multiple Low-Water Stream Crossings on Tank Trails (Principal Investigator: Mr. Scott Hill) | ||||||||||||||
RC-200820: Validating the Kinematic Wave Approach for Rapid Soil Erosion Assessment and Improved BMP Site Selection to Enhance Training Land Sustainability (Principal Investigator: Dr. Stacy Hutchinson) | ||||||||||||||
RC-200923: Measuring Hydrological and Ecological Functioning of Vernal Pool Wetlands (Principal Investigator: Ms. Kirsten Christopherson) | ||||||||||||||
RC-200925: Aerial Application of Acetaminophen-treated Baits for Control of Brown Treesnakes (Principal Investigator: Dr. Brian Dorr)
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RC-201021: High Resolution Landscape (2-D) Mosaics for Improved Coral Reef Monitoring Capability (Principal Investigator: Mr. William Wild)
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RC-201112: Demonstration and Implementation of Autonomous Aerial Acoustic Recording Systems to Inventory DoD Installation Impact Areas for Threatened, Endangered, and Species at Risk Bird Populations (Principal Investigator: Dr. Richard Fischer )
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RC-201113: Enlisting Ecosystem Services: Quantification and Valuation of Ecosystem Services to Inform Base Management (Principal Investigator: Dr. Gretchen Daily) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201114: Regulating Services as Measures of Ecological Resilience on DoD Lands (Principal Investigator: Dr. Paul Angermeier) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201115: Implementation of a Multi-Objective Decision Support Tool for Ecosystem Services at Department of Defense Installations (Principal Investigator: Mr. Pieter Booth)
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RC-201116: Demonstrate and Validate an Installation Sustainability Measurement Tool: Sustainable Communities (Principal Investigator: Mr. Christopher Kruzel)
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RC-201201: Operational-scale Demonstration of Propagation Protocols and Comparative Demographic Monitoring for (Re)introducing Five Southeastern Endangered and At-Risk Plants (Principal Investigator: Mr. Matthew Hohmann)
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RC-201202: Assessing and Monitoring of DoD Coral Reef Communities Using Advanced Fluorescence Techniques (Principal Investigator: Mr. William Wild)
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RC-201203: Remote Sensing Technology for Threatened and Endangered Plant Species Recovery (Principal Investigator: Dr. Erin Questad) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201204: Environmental DNA as a Tool for Inventory and Monitoring of Aquatic Vertebrates (Principal Investigator: Dr. Alexander Fremier) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201205: Monitoring Species of Concern using Noninvasive Genetic Sampling and Capture-Recapture Methods (Principal Investigator: Dr. Lisette Waits) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201302: The Demonstration and Validation of a Linked Watershed-Riverine Modeling System for DoD Installations (Principal Investigator: Dr. Billy Johnson) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201303: Using a Computational Fluid Dynamic Model to Guide Wildland Fire Management (Principal Investigator: Mr. James Furman) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201304: Integrated Measurement of Naval Sonar Operations and Precise Cetacean Locations (Principal Investigator: Mr. David Moretti) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201305: Stormwater Management Optimization Toolbox (Principal Investigator: Ms. Heidi Howard) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201306: Demonstration/Validation of the Unit Stream Power Erosion and Deposition (USPED) Model (Principal Investigator: Dr. Steven Warren)
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RC-201307: Demonstration and Validation of BASINS Watershed Modeling System Enhanced for Military Installations (Principal Investigator: Mr. Anthony Donigian) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201308: Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) to Aid in Sustaining Military Mission and Training (Principal Investigator: Dr. David Goodrich) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201415: Improving Safety and Economics Using Switchgrass on Military Airfields (Principal Investigator: Dr. Travis DeVault) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201416: Pulverized Paper as a Soil Carbon Source for Degraded Training Lands (Principal Investigator: Dr. Ryan Busby) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201417: Multifaceted High-throughput DNA Barcoding for Addressing Critical Data Gaps for At-Risk Bats on DoD Installations (Principal Investigator: Dr. Richard Lance) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201446: Autonomous Real-time Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Baleen Whales for Mitigating Interactions with Naval Activities (Principal Investigator: Dr. Cara Hotchkin) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201467: Long-Term Ecosystem Inventories: Assessing Availability and Scalability of C and N Data for Ecosystem Modelsto Inform Scope of Future Proposals (Principal Investigator: Dr. Louise Loudermilk) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201576-T2: An Online Resource Center for Supporting the Application of Environmental DNA Technology (Principal Investigator: Dr. Katherine Strickler) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201615: Conspecific Attraction as a Management Tool for Endangered and At-Risk Species on Military Lands (Principal Investigator: Dr. Jinelle Sperry) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201616: Transferring Translocation Science to Wildlife Conservation on DoD Installations: Dmonstration of Environmental Enrichment and Soft Release Technology (Principal Investigator: Dr. Brett DeGregorio) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201617: Demonstration and Validation of Automated Digital Videography and Monitoring of Vertebrate Populations (Principal Investigator: Dr. Eric Britzke) | ||||||||||||||
RC-201667: Demonstration of Multi-Sensor Airborne Mapping Tools for Ecosystem Management at Coastal Dod Training and Testing Sites (Principal Investigator: Bart Chadwick) |