The SERDP and ESTCP Symposium is rapidly approaching and several technical sessions will be offered that highlight projects funded by the Environmental Restoration Program Area. These sessions will provide an overview of the innovative research and demonstrations being completed that focuses on cleaning and managing impacted lands on current and former military installations.
On Tuesday morning, December 1, 2020, we’re offering a technical session that will discuss the advances in characterization, monitoring, treatment, and management of groundwater sites. This session will present strategies for the long-term management of contaminated groundwater sites and provide an overview of several research projects that are developing more quantitative assessments of contaminant plumes in groundwater. Other highlights are the use of molecular biological tools (MBTs) for impacted site assessments, the use of abiotic reaction pathways to promote natural attenuation, novel uses of the cometabolism process, and in situ treatment options for impacted groundwater.

The technical session on Tuesday afternoon, December 1, 2020, will be a joint session with the Energy & Water (EW) program area addressing water issues on installations with a focus on water quality, wastewater treatment, water conservation and water resilience. The session will present the DoD perspective on water resilience both at a Department-wide level and Military Service level. Other issues that will be discussed are the treatment of water mains, sustainable wastewater treatment at Forward Operating Bases, development of water re-use systems, and toxicity testing for stormwater runoff.
On Wednesday morning, December 2, 2020, we’re offering a technical session that will address emerging issues in known or suspected toxicity parameters, the fate and transport of these compounds in the environment, and treatment options for wastes from munitions manufacturing. This session will present the best management practices followed by the Army National Guard and discuss risk assessment modelling for range sustainment. It will also highlight several research and demonstration projects addressing range management techniques as well as munitions constituent treatment options for mitigating environmental impact.
The final technical session will be a two-part session on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning, December 2 and 3, 2020, which will highlight the latest innovations addressing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) issues in the environment. Over the past few years, SERDP and ESTCP have committed over $140M in funding to address these important issues. The twelve (12) presentations in this session will feature summaries of recent research and demonstration efforts examining ecotoxicity and characterization as well as field treatment technologies, such as on-site incineration alternatives, treatment trains, and improved sorbent technologies.
You can find additional information about these technical sessions and how to register on the SERDP & ESTCP Symposium website.