Summer is a time when things slow down just a bit in the SERDP and ESTCP Office. The rest of the year is anything but slow for the Programs! SERDP and ESTCP kept busy this Spring with our annual proposal review efforts and In-Progress Review (IPR) meetings.
In January of this year, SERDP received 408 pre-proposals in response to the FY 2015 Core Solicitation and subsequently requested 107 full proposals. These proposals represented the most qualified pre-proposals in response to the solicitation. The full proposals were first peer reviewed by technical experts then sent on to the SERDP Technical Committees (STCs) who met in June and early July to deliberate on which of the proposals to recommend for funding. The STCs also reviewed 48 proposals that were submitted in response to the FY 2015 SERDP Exploratory Development (SEED) Solicitation. We are now planning for our fall Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) meetings in September and October, during which 22 investigators will present their proposals to the SAB in Arlington, VA.
ESTCP released the FY 2015 Environmental Technologies and Installation Energy Solicitations in February and received a total of 66 and 148 pre-proposals respectively. The ESTCP Technical Committees (ETCs) reviewed the pre-proposals in May and June, and then made recommendations for full proposal requests to the ESTCP Director. ESTCP disseminated full proposal requests to 20 investigators under the Environmental Solicitation and to 21 investigators under the Installation Energy Solicitation. Full proposals are due on August 14, 2014.
In-Progress Reviews
In the midst of proposal review season, each of the five Program Areas also held their Winter and Spring IPR meetings during which principal investigators for nearly 200 projects presented status updates on their research and demonstrations as well as their plans for the coming fiscal year.
Looking Ahead
SERDP is gearing up for another round of IPRs in the fall as well as our previously mentioned SAB meetings. ESTCP will be making FY 2015 proposal selections in the September/October time frame, and both programs will be evaluating requirements and budgets for planned FY 2016 solicitations. Watch our website or follow us on Twitter for announcements, and enjoy the rest of your summer!