Winter is a busy time at SERDP and ESTCP. The FY 2016 solicitations are moving along and we are in the midst of our review of ongoing projects. Here is a quick overview of some of our key, ongoing efforts.
In January, SERDP received 240 pre-proposals in response to the ten statements of need in the FY 2016 Core Solicitation. Following an evaluation of the pre-proposals, the Program Office requested 107 full proposals. All full proposals will be peer reviewed during the March-April timeframe and those that receive favorable reviews will be evaluated by the SERDP Technical Committees, who will make recommendations for funding later this summer.
The FY 2016 SERDP Exploratory Development (SEED) Solicitation is seeking proposals in response to statements of need in the Munitions Response and Weapons Systems and Platforms Program Areas. The aim of the SEED solicitation is to prove the merit of high-risk technologies through one year projects with a budget capped at $150K. This solicitation is an excellent opportunity for exploring new and creative solutions to some of DoD’s most difficult environmental challenges.
All SERDP full proposals and SEED proposals are due by 2:00 PM ET on March 10, 2015.
ESTCP released the FY 2016 Environmental Technologies Solicitation in early January. Calls for proposals are open to individuals from both Federal and private sector organizations. Please note that individuals from DoD organizations will respond to different topics from those outside DoD. Pre-proposals in response to this solicitation are due no later than 2:00 PM ET on March 12, 2015.
ESTCP released the FY 2016 Installation Energy Solicitation in early February. This year, topics for the Installation Energy Solicitation are the same for all organizations. Pre-proposals in response to this solicitation are due no later than 2:00 PM ET on April 2, 2015.
ESTCP will request full proposals in response to both solicitations by late June. Final selections will be made in the October 2015 timeframe. More information on both of these solicitations is available on our Funding Opportunities web page.
In-Progress Reviews
More than 120 ongoing projects will participate in in-progress reviews in the coming months. These briefings allow SERDP and ESTCP management, as well as the members of our Technical Committees, to review the technical and financial status of each project. Seeing each project’s technical progress every year in person is critical for effectively managing our investments. We appreciate the efforts of all our investigators for their role in this process.