Bioaugmentation for Groundwater Remediation, the fifth installment in a Remediation Technology Monograph Series*, reviews the past 10-15 years of research and development that have led to bioaugmentation becoming an effective and accepted remedial technology. This latest monograph was written by several leading experts from academia and industry and edited by Dr. Hans Stroo of Stroo Consulting, LLC, Dr. Andrea Leeson of SERDP and ESTCP, and Dr. C. Herb Ward of Rice University. The text will serve as a reference for environmental remediation professionals seeking to understand, evaluate, and implement bioaugmentation.
The initial chapters of the monograph provide a history and overview of bioaugmentation as well as information on the basic microbial processes involved. Subsequent chapters detail decision-making processes for implementing bioaugmentation, design and cost considerations, and monitoring options. Additionally, the authors provide a review of bioaugmentation for treatment of less common chlorinated solvents and conclude with an assessment of future research and development needs.
A series of related reference books is planned on topics that include chlorinated solvent source zone remediation and remediation of contaminated sediments. In facilitating this monograph series, SERDP and ESTCP seek to provide the broader remediation community with current knowledge and the most up-to-date tools available in order to encourage full and effective use of these technologies.
To obtain a copy of Bioaugmentation for Groundwater Remediation, visit
* Other books in this monograph series:
Delivery and Mixing in the Subsurface: Processes and Design Principles for In Situ Remediation
In Situ Chemical Oxidation for Groundwater Remediation