The Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) has selected 74 new projects to begin in FY 2023. These projects responded to the FY 2023 SERDP Core and SEED Solicitations.
The tables below list the FY 2023 SERDP new projects for Environmental Restoration, Munitions Response, Resource Conservation and Resilience, and Weapons Systems and Platforms.
ERSON-23-C1: Transformation of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Found in Soil and Groundwater at AFFF-Impacted Sites | |||
ER22-4015 | Abiotic and Microbiological Transformation of AFFF-Relevant Polyfluoroalkyl Substances | Feng Xiao | University of Missouri |
ER23-3599 | Assessing Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Biotransformation in Soil at AFFF-Impacted Sites | Dung Nguyen | CDM Smith |
ER23-3601 | Microbial Attenuation of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances | Frank Löffler | University of Tennessee |
ER23-3620 | Abiotic and Biotic Transformation of PFAS Precursors at Oxic–Anoxic Transition Zones in AFFF-Impacted Soil and Groundwater | Dengjun Wang | Auburn University |
ER23-3628 | Environmental Conditions Influencing Natural Abiotic and Biotic Transformation of PFAA Precursors at AFFF-impacted Sites | Natalie Capiro | Auburn University |
ER23-3656 | Microbial Transformation of Nitrogen-Containing Precursors and Testing of Molecular Biological Tools With Predictive Potential | Jinxia Liu | McGill University |
ER23-3694 | Assessing Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Transformation in Groundwater at AFFF-Impacted Sites Using In Situ Microcosms | John Xiong | Haley & Aldrich, Inc. |
ER23-3695 | Abiotic and Coupled Abiotic-Biotic Processes Impacting PFAA Precursor Transformation and Back-Diffusion in Clays | Charles Schaefer | CDM Smith |
ER23-3697 | A Systematic Evaluation of Precursor Fate and Transformation in Wetland Systems Across Physical Scales and Biogeochemical Gradients | Damian Helbling | Cornell University |
ER23-3796 | Estimation of Biotransformation Rate of Key PFAS Precursors and PFAS Sequestration into Microbial Biomass during Precursor Biotransformation using Activity-Based labeling (ABL) | Min-Ying Chu | Haley & Aldrich |
ER23-3825 | Transformation of AFFF Constituents in Enzyme-Catalyzed Oxidative Humification Reactions and Related Fungal Systems | Qingguo Huang | University of Georgia |
ER23-3827 | Assessment of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Factors Controlling Biotransformation of Cationic and Zwitterionic Precursors in PFAS Source Zones | Lisa Alvarez-Cohen | University of California, Berkeley |
ER23-3877 | Characterization of Fungal Mechanisms to Enhance Biotransformation of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances | Kent Sorenson | Allonnia |
ERSON-23-C2: Improved Management of Stormwater Impacts at Department of Defense Facilities | |||
ER23-3593 | Tailored Carbonaceous Materials as Biofilter Amendments for PFAS Removal in Stormwater Runoff | Wenqing Xu | Villanova University |
ER23-3676 | Development of a Screening-Level Tool to Estimate PFAS Retention Lifetimes for Engineered Sorbents in Passive Stormwater Filtration Systems | Bridget Ulrich | University of Minnesota, Natural Resources Research Institute |
ER23-3741 | Understanding the Spatial/Temporal Nature of AFFF PFAS Loadings in Stormwater to Develop Targeted Stormwater Treatment Technologies | Charles Newell | GSI Environmental Inc. |
ER23-3780 | Passive-Active Modular Stormwater Biofilter Designs to Enhance PFAS Removal in Variable Flow Conditions | Sanjay Mohanty | University of California, Los Angeles |
ERSON-23-C3: Improved Understanding of Concrete and Asphalt Impacted by Historical Releases of AFFF | |||
ER23-3638 | Development and Validation of Sealants to Mitigate Leaching and Mobility of PFAS in Concrete | Grant Douglas | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation |
ER23-3683 | PFAS Transport and Interaction with Portland Cement and Asphalt Concrete: A Field and Laboratory Study | Mohammad (Moe) Pour-Ghaz | North Carolina State University |
ER23-3696 | A Complete Strategy for Pavements Impacted with PFAS: Rapid Quantification, Leaching Kinetics, In Situ Stabilization, Thermal Treatment, and Reusability | Kyle Doudrick | University of Notre Dame |
ER23-3713 | Determining PFAS Transport Mechanisms within AFFF-Impacted Construction Materials to Develop Better In-Place and Re-Use Management Solutions for the DoD | Charles Newell | GSI Environmental Inc. |
ER23-3724 | Leaching of PFAS from AFFF-Impacted Construction Materials | Christopher Higgins | Colorado School of Mines |
ER23-3761 | Leaching and Mobility of PFAS from Concrete and Asphalt | Jennifer Guelfo | Texas Tech University |
ER23-3835 | Assessment for Leachability of PFAS from Concrete/Asphalt Paved Surfaces, Stockpiles, and Beneficial Reuse Scenarios: Laboratory and Bench Studies | Tim Townsend | University of Florida |
ER23-3885 | Sustainable Treatment Approaches for Renewing PFAS-Impacted Construction Materials (STAR-PCM) | Carla Baumel | University of Pittsburgh |
ERSON-23-C4: Attenuation Mechanisms and Degradation Kinetics of Minor Components of Common Groundwater Contaminant Mixtures | |||
ER23-3590 | Evaluating the Enhancement and Metabolism of 1,4-Dioxane Biodegradation at Low Concentrations | Alison Cupples | Michigan State University |
ER23-3717 | Optimizing Bioaugmentation with Rhodococcus ruber for Cost-Effective Bioremediation of Dilute 1,4-Dioxane Plumes | Pedro Alvarez | Sentinel Environmental Group, LLC |
ER23-3763 | Biotic and Abiotic Degradation of 1,4-Dioxane Diffusing from Clays: Mechanisms, Kinetics, and Role in Long-Term Attenuation in Groundwater | Paul Hatzinger | Aptim Federal Services, LLC |
ER23-3775 | A Systems Approach for the Assessment and Prediction of the Natural Attenuation Mechanisms of Contaminant Mixtures | Shaily Mahendra | University of California, Los Angeles |
ER23-3798 | In Situ Bioremediation of 1,4-Dioxane at Low Concentrations: Metabolic Degradation with Mixed Cultures on Commercially Available Particle Media | Youneng Tang | Florida State University |
ER23-3826 | Nanosized Manganese Dioxide Catalysts for Fenton-Like Oxidation of Dichlorethanes and 1,4-Dioxane | Philip Larese-Casanova | Northeastern University |
ER23-3830 | Attenuation Mechanisms and Biodegradation Kinetics of 1,4-Dioxane by Propane Monooxygenase-Expressing Microorganisms | Mengyan Li | New Jersey Institute of Technology |
ER23-3904 | Attenuation Mechanisms for Low Concentrations of 1,4-Dioxane and Related Contaminants | Anthony Danko | NAVFAC EXWC |
ERSON-23-S1: Development of Analytical Methodologies for the Determination of Total PFAS in PFAS-Free Firefighting Formulations | |||
ER23-4022 | Method to Measure PFAS in MIL-SPEC Firefighting Formulations by Extraction Using Osorb and Advanced Sorbents with Organofluorine Analysis | Paul Edmiston | College of Wooster |
ER23-4024 | Development of Two New Total Organic Fluorine Methods to Determine Total PFAS in PFAS-Free Firefighting Formulations at Trace Levels | Susan Richardson | University of South Carolina |
ER23-4025 | Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of PFAS in Firefighting Formulations | Haoran Wei | University of Wisconsin, Madison |
ER23-4032 | Coupling Foam Fractionation with High-Resolution Molecular Absorption Spectrometry Graphite Furnace to Quantify Total PFAS in PFAS-Free Firefighting Formulations | Youn Jeong Choi | Purdue University |
ER23-4039 | A Standard Operating Procedure to Quantify Total PFAS in PFAS-Free Firefighting Formulations | Kyle Doudrick | University of Notre Dame |
MRSON-23-C1: Detection, Localization, Classification, and Remediation of Military Munitions Underwater | |||
MR21-3582 | Investigation of Acoustic Scattering from UXO with Long-term Environmental Aging | Kevin Lee | University of Texas at Austin |
MR21-3591 | Tactile Exploration With Crab-like Legged Robots for Munitions Retrieval | Kathryn Daltorio | Case Western Reserve University |
MR23-3968 | Modeling Munitions Mobility and Burial in a Micro-tidal Estuary | Maurizio Brocchini | Università Politecnica delle Marche |
MR23-3971 | Development of Physics-Based Inversions of BOSS Data for Sediment Properties | Todd Hefner | University of Washington |
MR23-3978 | UXO Characterization for Underwater Acoustic Test Beds | Aubrey Espana | University of Washington, Applied Physics Laboratory |
MR23-3981 | Underwater UXO Targets Detection, Mapping and Classification from Onepass Dynamic Data Sets | Fridon Shubitidze | Dartmouth College |
MR23-3982 | Time-frequency Resolution, Representation, and Interpretability | Wendy Newcomb | Georgia Tech Research Institute |
MR23-3644 | Optical Detection and Classification of Military Munitions Underwater | Jed Wilbur | Creare LLC |
MR23-3821 | Optically Derived 3D Models for Munitions Location and Identification | Arthur Gleason | University of Miami |
MR23-3855 | Depth of Burial Of UXO in Estuary Environments | Magued Iskander | New York University |
RCSON-23-C1: Advanced Understanding and Methods of Invasive Species Control | |||
RC23-3587 | Development of Comprehensive Approaches for Mission-oriented Management of the Invasive Scotch Broom on Department of Defense Lands in the Pacific Northwest | Robert Slesak | USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station |
RC23-3611 | Managing Yellow Starthistle Using A New Biocontrol Agent: An Integrative Experimental and Geo-Climatic Modeling Approach | Brittany Barker | Oregon State University |
RC23-3805 | Using Population And Fire Models to Predict Interacting Responses Of Invasive and Threatened And Endangered Plants to Foundational Invader Removal | Clare Aslan | Northern Arizona University |
RC23-3839 | Impact of Redox Imbalance on Redox Sensitive Proteins Associated with Bromus Tectorum (Cheatgrass) Seedling Growth and Development | Stephen J. Callister | Battelle Pacific Northwest Division |
RC23-3845 | RNA Interference (Rnai) For Targeted Control Of Invasive Zebra Mussels | Daryl Gohl | University of Minnesota |
RCSON-23-C2: Innovative Approaches to Resolving Sea-Level Related Data and Datum Gaps Worldwide | |||
RC23-3707 | Improving Sea level Information at DoD Sites for Risk Assessments using Hybrid Modelling and Data-fusion (ISIDoD) | Soenke Dangendorf | Tulane University |
RC23-3942 | Multisensor Satellite-Based Approach for Global Data Gap Filling | Ben Hamlington | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
WPSON-23-C1: Lower-Global Warming Potential Alternative Refrigerants for Military Use | |||
WP23-3605 | Zero Global Warming Potential Elastocaloric Cooling for Military Use | Julie Slaughter | Ames Laboratory |
WP23-3793 | Holistic Optimization of Air-Conditioning Systems for Military Use with Low-GWP Refrigerants | Davide Ziviani | Purdue University |
WPSON-23-C2: Improved Performance of PFAS-Free Firefighting Formulations | |||
WP23-3833 | Alcohol-resistant PFAS-Free Foam | Girish Srinivas | TDA Research, Inc. |
WP23-3841 | Metallosurfactants and Transition Metal Coordinated Surfactants as Foam Stabilizers to Enhance Foam Compatibility with Fuel Vapors at Extreme Operations Temperatures | Jaspreet Dhau | Molekule Inc. |
WP23-3875 | Evaluation of New Class of Self-intumescent Surfactants Which Have Both Flame Retardant and Foaming Agent Properties in Extreme Environments | Robert Kasowski | PN Solutions Inc |
WP23-3882 | Characterization of the Effects of Fuel Vapor Composition on the Performance of PFAS-Free Firefighting Foam Formulations | Braden Giordano | U.S Naval Research Laboratory |
WP23-3918 | Bi-disciplinary Enhancement of Surfactant Trisiloxanes for Fluorine-Free Firefighting Formulations (BEST-4F) | Timothy Schutt | US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center |
WP23-3920 | Improved PFAS-Free Foams Tested Under Extreme Conditions | Sumaer Kamboj | ADA Technologies, Inc. |
WP23-3926 | PFAS-free Formulations for Fuel Fire-fighting in Extreme Temperature Applications | Krishnaswamy Rangan | Materials Modification Inc |
WPSON-23-C3: Development of Advanced Military Coating Systems | |||
WP23-3603 | Non-isocyanate Chemical Agent Resistant Coatings | Garry Edgington | Sherwin-Williams Company |
WP23-3746 | Fully Non-Isocyanate Next-Generation Polyurethane Topcoats | Ashley Mullins | Luna Labs USA, LLC |
WP23-3933 | Dynamic Isocyanate-Free Self-Healing Military Coating Systems | Jeffrey Lundin | U.S. Naval Research Laboratory |
WPSON-23-C4: Recycling and Reuse of Refractory Alloys for Additive Manufacturing | |||
WP23-3623 | Recycling of Refractory Alloy Powders Via Surface Etching in Metal Additive Processes | Michael Titus | Purdue University |
WP23-3711 | Recycling and Reuse of Tungsten-Rhenium Refractory Alloy Powder for Additive Manufacturing | Guru Dinda | Savannah River National Laboratory |
WPSON-23-C5: Improved Fire Testing and Training Methodologies for Firefighting Formulations | |||
WP23-3907 | Augmented Reality For Firefighter Training Of New Formulations And Delivery Mechanisms | Bridgett Ashley | Air Force Civil Engineering Center |
WP23-3917 | Quantifying Foam Suppression Performance Characteristics using Heat Release Rate Measured in a Cone Calorimeter | Brian Lattimer | Virginia Tech |
WPSON-23-C6: Alternate, Environmentally-Friendly Propulsion Concepts for High Performance | |||
WP23-3578 | Advanced Propulsion Concepts for Large Diameter Tactical Rockets | Tom Farabaugh | BAE Systems, Inc. |
WP23-3579 | Green, Smokeless Propellants: Ammonium Dinitramide and Ammonium Nitrate Nanocomposite Propellants | Alfred Baca | Naval Air Warfare Center China Lake |
WP23-3635 | Environmentally-Friendly Double Base Propellant Formulations | Neili Loupe | US Army DEVCOM AvMC |