SERDP and ESTCP are continuing research and demonstrations to address issues associated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs). In addition to the projects described in a previous blog, we have a number of new efforts underway.
A recent substantial effort was the SERDP and ESTCP workshop held in May 2017 on Research and Demonstration Needs for Management of AFFF-Impacted Sites. The objectives of the workshop were to (1) review the current state of the science regarding sources of PFAS contamination, particularly AFFF, (2) evaluate currently available and developing technologies for characterization and remediation of AFFF sites, and (3) identify research and demonstration needs to improve remediation performance, efficiency, and ultimately reduce the cost of managing AFFF sites. Approximately 65 invited personnel representing DoD Remedial Project Managers, federal and state regulators, engineers, researchers, industry representatives, and consultants participated and helped to identify critical research and demonstration needs in this area. Results have been published in the Workshop Report and will be used to structure SERDP and ESTCP investments in PFAS contamination over the next few years.
Shortly after the release of the Workshop Report, we released an FY18 supplemental solicitation under SERDP with two Statements of Need (SON) focused on issues associated with PFAS. One is focused on treatment of investigation-derived waste and the other is focused on defining knowledge gaps in our understanding of PFASs in the subsurface. The deadline for submitting proposals on these topics is October 19, 2017 by 2 PM ET. Please go to our solicitation page to get specific submittal details.
At our upcoming Symposium, we have lots of coverage of SERDP & ESTCP efforts on PFASs. On Tuesday, November 28, look for our technical session on PFASs; all poster presentations on PFASs will be at the poster session immediately following the PFAS technical session. In addition, on Thursday afternoon, November 30, check out the short course on PFASs led by Dr. Jennifer Field from Oregon State University, with content developed under her recent ESTCP project.
Finally, take a look at our new webpage on PFASs. Here we provide a summary of all projects funded under SERDP & ESTCP addressing PFASs. The page also has an interactive graphic where you can get more detailed information on selected projects over the years.