ESTCP released its FY 2012 solicitation on January 13, 2011, requesting proposals for demonstration of environmental technologies. Funds are available through a competitive process to Federal and private organizations through the appropriate solicitations noted below.
The DoD Call for Proposals requests pre-proposals related to: (1) Environmental Restoration; (2) Munitions Response; (3) Resource Conservation; and (4) Weapons Systems and Platforms.
The Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) and Non-DoD Federal Call for Proposals request pre-proposals for the following topics only: (1) Management of Contaminated Groundwater; (2) In Situ Management of Contaminated Sediments; (3) Military Munitions Detection, Discrimination, and Remediation; (4) Recovery of Threatened and Endangered and Sustainment of At-Risk Plant Species; (5) Inventory and Monitoring Technologies for Vertebrate Populations; and (6) Environmentally Sustainable Energetic Materials and Manufacturing Processes.
The due date for all pre-proposals from both the Federal and non-Federal sectors is Tuesday, March 8, 2011. More information about the solicitation, including instructions and deadlines, is available on the SERDP and ESTCP web site at
Webinar for the ESTCP Solicitation: ESTCP Director Dr. Jeffrey Marqusee will conduct an online seminar “ESTCP Funding Opportunities” on January 20, 2011, from 12:00-1:00 p.m. EST. This “how to play” briefing will offer valuable information for those interested in new ESTCP funding opportunities. During the online seminar, participants may ask questions about the funding process, the current ESTCP solicitation, and the proposal submission process. Pre-registration for this webinar is required. To register, visit If you have difficulty registering, please contact the ESTCP Office at or by telephone at 703-696-2126.