The Strategic Environmental Research & Development Program (SERDP) and the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) hosted a workshop from July 28-29, 2015 in Washington D.C. The workshop focused on determining research and demonstration needs for improved management of munitions constituents.
The objectives of the meeting were to (1) review the life cycle process for use of munitions constituents and identify data gaps and research needs; (2) inform representatives from the Services of applicable research and demonstrations funded by SERDP and ESTCP; and (3) develop a prioritized list of research, demonstration, and technology transfer needs for management of munitions constituents that could be addressed by SERDP and ESTCP over the next five years.
A steering committee composed of representatives from the Services provided critical input on the meeting’s focus, specific structure, and participants. The two-day meeting consisted of a series of introductory presentations describing the life cycle of munitions constituents, relevant lessons learned, as well as an overview of relevant research and demonstrations funded by SERDP and ESTCP. Following the presentations, four breakout sessions were convened to discuss each stage in the munition constituent lifecycle and associated management challenges, data gaps, and research needs. Breakout sessions on the second day focused on development of a prioritized list of research, demonstration, and technology transfer needs that could be addressed over the next five years. Participation in the meeting was limited by invitation to Service representatives and DoD-funded investigators.
Findings from the workshop will be summarized in a Final Report that will serve as a strategic plan to guide future SERDP and ESTCP investments. The Final Report will be posted on the SERDP & ESTCP web site by mid-October.